Chapter 4 - Dying

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I woke up with Filipe's body next to me warm and comforting. I burrowed more securely in his heat and he crushed me against him. And I sighed happily. My hands trailed freely on his chest and his voice was sleep-roughened "keep doing that and you'll pay the price."

"Oooooh, I'm so scared." I reached a good inches bellow his waist then came back up, twicking his nipples. He growled and I got shivers down my spine. I suddenly found myself back flat on the bed and him looming over me. "You know I love you right? Even after my dying breath, wherever I am, whatever I'll be, I'll love you." An intense foreboding filled me from head to toe and I shivered. "Don't talk like this. Don't ever talk like this. I love you. I'll pull us through. I saved us thrice, why can't I keep doing it? Don't worry. I am a warrior. I won't allow anything to happen to you."

"Just in case, I want you to know I love you." And we got physical again. We emerged 2 hours later, me in my fighting clothes. By some sort of miracle, my wound was already closed. But only mine... The other's wounds of escape were still in the beginning stages of healing. Might that be because of Sagichi and Kyu? Zeph always said that his swords were super, super, super special. I had no reasons to doubt him, but I never had used them in battle before either.

"Everything alright while I was sleeping?"

My mother was the one who answered.

“Yes daughter. Everything alright. Did you sleep well? I mean both of you SLEEP well?”

Huh, looks like my old lady was suspicious. “Yes mother we SLEPT well. I had a crazy nightmare so that might have been the noise you heard… luckily I slept well the rest of the night.”

“Good. Go check Brandon. You saved him and didn’t even stick around to check on him.”

“Mother, I have been fighting the whole day. I was almost passing out. I didn’t want any of you to see me that tired. Were there any screams during the night?”

“Yes daughter,” she told me sadly. “There have been. We tried to see what it was but the doors were locked.”

“Good. What the hell were you thinking trying to leave without me? I’m the only one with the skills to fight those things.”

I put my swords in their scabbards on my waist and prepared myself mentally for what I was about to see.

“I’m going to check. Stay here.  All of you… I’m not dying today don’t worry.”

I peered outside cautiously and there were no eagles on site. Strange. Very strange. What were they doing now? Reconnecting? I checked my  cell and realized there was network still. So I tried to call everybody I knew. See if they were alive or not. I was on the rule, pick up, if not you’re dead.

Silvy – Dead

Alexanders – Dead

Miranda – Dead

Rafael – Dead

Miguel – Dead

From 200 contacts, 100 were already presumably dead.

I continued on, and another 50 were probably dead

Then more 20

More 10

Until… Luck

“Lana, Lana is that you? Thank Goddess. How did you survive? Where are you?”

“I’m ok Zeph. But I miss you. Can I come pick you up? I have a group of people hidden in a safehouse I found many years ago. I remodelled it and I made it liveable. I have been stashing that thing for years. Wanna join us?”

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