Let's meet Lilly

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Author's note- okay let's get this straight. Lilly is seventy four but looks twelve. In this chaper she is turned by carlisle cullen. Jasper meets her blah blah blah there is one more vampire named Adam he is Alice's mate. Vampires know who they are supposed to mate with when they see them. Okay now your updated lets begin.

Third person pov

A young girl was carried into the hospital. Her heart making faint thuds in in her ribcage. This girl had breast cancer. Her name was Lilly Marina.

Docter Carlisle Cullen checked her vitals. Her heart beat so low that he had to try.

He turned the heart moniter off flat-lining it.

"Patient Lillian Marina. Time if death 10:16 Febuary 11th." The nurse said.

"I'll take her to the morgue." Carlisle said. He covered her in the pale sheet and took her to the morgue.

Once there he uncovered her and whispered in her ear. "I am sorry dear this will hurt."

He bit down hard on her neck. Her chocolate brown eyes opened her mouth made an 'O' shape. No sound came out. Carlisle pulled away and picked her up bridal style. Carrying her out the back exit to his bright red Chevy. Laying her on the backseat he climbed in. He drove to his house. Carlisle's wife Esme helped him to his study. He layed her on the doctors table.

"Esme get the others." He said.

She nodded and got their adopted children. They w a very unique family. They were vampires, and Lilly was on her way to becoming one of them.

Dr.Cullen walked out of the room closing the door behind him. He walked down the stairs.

Docter Cullen's pov

I walked down the stairs to see the six people I turned into vampires standing or sitting. They turned to look at me. Edward the oldest at 62. Came over to me and read my mind (his special power).

"We have a new member in our family." I said. Rosalie the second oldest looked pissed.

"Who is he." She asked

"Who is she?" Edward asked.

"She." Alice asked

"Yes she. Her name is Lillian Marina and she had breast cancer." I said. The others looked at me.

"Come I'll introduce you." I took Esme's hand leading her upstairs. I opened my door to show the others. They entered Rosalie gasped.

"She's so young. How old is she Carlisle?" Alice wondered out loud.

"Twelve." Lilly Marina wore a mud stained baby blue dress with no shoes. Jasper's eyes widened. Edward ran up to him helping him from falling over.

"Come on we need to talk." Emmett said. We all speed ran down the stairs. And sat on the couch.

Three days later
Lilly's pov

The burning feeling died from my bones in a rush. My eyes flew open I saw everything i heard everything. I turned my head and sat up. Lines of book shelves sat across the walls. The door burst open and I ran away from it. In the blink of my eye I was in the corner of the room which was far away from where I was only a milla-second ago. I looked at the door seeing my docter.

"Lilly, do you remember me?" He asked

"Yes. Your docter Cullen. You bit me." My voice was silker and forgin to me. My English accent stood out more. I looked down to see a flowered dress on my slim body. I wore heels I don't own shoes let alone heels.

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