Just Because I am Lazy I am now in the book Eclipse

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I sat with Jasper on our bed. He moved one of his black pawns to attack one of mine. I laughed and moved my knight so that I had his queen cornered.

"Check mate." I said with a laughed he rolled his eyes and jumped at me. I laughed even more as he pinned me to rhe mattress.

"How come you always win when we play chess?" He asked. I shrugged the best I could from underneath him. He started to kiss me gently. But my stomach made an angry growl and he laughed against my lips.

"Come on lets get you some food." He stood and gently grabbed my small hand. He and I walked down the stairs.

Oh I should explain. Jasper and I had our own house. It's a small cottage in the forest. But it's a two story house. We had told Edward and Bella that I was pregnant a few weeks ago. Edward was pissed Bella was scared.

I hopped on the counter and Jasper went to the fridge. I rubbed circles on the small baby bump I have. We already had names picked out. If it was a boy Daniel Cecil Hale and if it's a girl Danielle Marie hale. She/he is due in one year. And Carlisle had told us that because of Us being Vampires out child has 75% chance to be blind, mute, or deaf.

I ate the cereal that Jasper had made me. And we played chess again.

My phone rang and I picked it up not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked

"He Lilly it's Bella. Um.. I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me today?" Bella asked

"Yeah I'd love to. I'll be over there around," i looked at Jasper's watch "10:30. Is that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine see you later." The line went dead and I put it down.

"I guess I'm going shopping." I told Jazz

"You hate shopping. And you are not a big fan of Bella's." He said confused

"I'm not a big fan because she wants to throw away her life to be with a inhuman beast."

He nodded and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and mumbled "Why does she want to give her life away for such a stupid reason?" I shrugged and said that I didn't know.

We finished our game and I went and got dressed.

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