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"Jasper said he'd be right over." Esme told one more time as she looked out the window. Five seconds later everyone's heads turned to the door.

"what?" right as I asked a knock sounded on the door. Carlisle ran to answer the door. A muffled conversation went on between Carlisle and the person at the door.

"Lilly get up." Rose told me. I stood and walked to the door. Just as I turned the corner two voices yelled "Mom!" and I was takled in a hug. I pulled away from the bodies and looked at them.

There was a tall boy with his hair skipped in the front. He wore a plaid shirt over a a plain white t shirt.  "Alexander?" he nodded and I placed my hand on his cheek and looked at the other person. It was a girl who looked alot like me, her hair was long and the bottom of it was dyed blue. She wore completely black. "And Danielle." she nodded and right away a tear fell down my cheek. I pulled them into one more hug and I felt more wet tears fall down my cheeks.

"Lil..." a fimilair voice said. I looked up from my children and saw Jasper. His eyes were more shallow now and his hair more straight.

"Hey Jazzy."

guess what everyone...


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