Meeting The Wolves Part 2

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We stopped in front of a grass filled meadow. Jasper helped me down and Edward rode up in the Volvo with Bella *cough ass cough*

The wolves came a few minutes later. All the size of horses. A black wolf stood in front of everyone. A rustic color wolf walked towards us. I was guessing that that was the infamous Jacob. He looked at Bella then at me. Edward began to growl and Jacob looked away.

"Edward are you going to translate?" Jazz asked. Edward nodded.

"You turned a child into a leach." Edward said. I was guessing they were talking about me.

"I'm not a child I'm older than you, and married." I told them sassily. Jasper laughed lightly.

Edward again glared at Jacob. What the bloody is he thinking.

"Well Jasper our most educated is going to teach us how to fight newborns." Carlisle said.

Jasper stepped forward "Okay, you can't attack a newborn with strength. You don't fire with fire..." Jasper continued with his speech. Everyone fought him.

"Why is the kid not learning?" Edward said. He turned his head and mouthed SAM.

"My husband has forbidden me."

"Leah is wondering why you listen to him." Edward said

"Well I'm pregnant so yeah..."

Edward clutched his head in pain. Bella placed her hand on his arm.

"Two many voices." He said threw clenched teeth.


Edward released his head. And nodded a thanks.

"Why did you choice that?" Edward said mouthing SETH.

"Turn into humans and maybe I'll tell you." The black wolf shook his head no. Jacob made a whimpering and barking noise that sounded werid.

Sam and Edward both growled at him.

"Okay what the bloody hell does he keep saying?" I asked

"Things I'd rather not say about my sister." Edward said. Jasper sped over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, pulling me close to his body. "And no not that type of stuff. The opposite."

Jazz pulled me closer and started to walk away from Jacob.

I felt a small kick in my stomach. I quickly moved my hand to my stomach and gasped lightly. Jasper looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"The babies are kicking. And damn their strong." I said smiling lightly. This was there first kick. They were due in 6 months not that long from now.

"An I allowed to go home?" I asked. Carlisle and Esme nodded and Jazz and I ran to the car.

Once home I went to bed.

Once home I went to bed

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I sat down in the desk chair and watched Lilly sleep. She was so beautiful and so young. She doesnt deserve to die. I got up and walked to the bathroom.

I leaned over the sink and splashed my face with water. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes had dark circles around them like usual but one thing was different my eyes. They were glazed over with insanity.

My poor wife, the love of my life was going to d-die in six god damn months. But I was going to get two babies. I'm not cut out to be a father.

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