The Birth

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Six months later
Lilly's pov

I sat on the couch in Carlisle's house. My stomach was now rather large. The babies were due this month. Jasper sat next to me. He held me in his arms. He has not let go of me ever since this month started. When he had to get up and go hunt Emmett would comfort me. Esme, Alice, and Rosalie tried but I didn't feel safe enough. Emmett was always fine with it. I just fall asleep on his shoulder. Jasper would come in and start to feak out. He would make sure that I'm okay.

Right now I sat with my head on Jasper's chest. Both of my hands cradled my stomach. I gasped loudly as large, hurtful, kicks pounded on my stomach.

"Lils what's wrong." I winced as another kick knocked the air out of me. I lifted my shirt up and saw something that wasn't there a minute ago. Multiple black smudges, like ink, covered my stomach. I coughed and blood came out. Pain shot threw my whole body. I screamed. Everyone came into the room.

"Lilly can you hear me. Dear. Lilly..." Jasper's voice faded away as pain took over and I lost consciousness.

Jasper's pov

I picked Lilly up and ran as fast as I could to Carlisle's office.

"Save her. SAVE HER NOW!" I yelled. Carlisle began to get out stuff. Lilly started thrasing around on the table.

I blacked out for a while as Carlisle delivered the babies. Danielle Marie Hale was a beautiful brown eyes girl and Alexander Lorde Hale was a blue eyed boy.

Rose took the babies out of the room and Carlisle left.

Lilly held out her hand weakly and I grabbed it. "Please don't leave me. Please."

"I love you..." Lilly breathed in and never breathed back out. Her eyes glazed over.

"NO! NO! LILLY NO YOU... NO" I placed her hands on my forehead. Emmett came in and dragged me out. I thrashed about trying to get to her.

She was gone.

My love was gone.

Gone forever.


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