New Moon

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I woke up to a very bright beam of light hitting my face. I groaned and roll over coming face to face with my husband.

"You okay darling?" He asked his southern accent coming out a bit more than usual.

"No the sun is to bright." I complained he chuckled and got out of bed closing the curtains. "Thank you." I said in a baby voice.

"Your welcome come on get changed you need to get to school."

"Isn't today Bella's Birthday?" I asked pulling on a back shirt with an anchor on it on. I grabbed a hat and a pair of sneakers.

 I grabbed a hat and a pair of sneakers

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He held my hand as we walked out.

"Yeah I think it is." He got me some food as the others came in.

They had already graduated. Well everyone besides Edward, Alice and I.

"Ready?" Alice asked

I nodded and we walked away. We got into Edwards Volvo and drove off. Like every day Jasper and I texted one another till I have to go to class.

Bella pulled up in her old truck and Alice ran to her. They walked over to me and I handed her a present.

"I know you hate presents but I don't care you get this." She took it grumbling complaints.

"Oh my God you got me a book."

"Its Romeo and Juliet. " her sarcastic face changed. I knew that she loved Romeo and Juliet.

◇♡◇◇Time skip at Bella birthday◇◇♡◇

Bella and Edward just walked in and we had yelled happy birthday to Bella. Now we were opening presents.

"Emmett's putting it in the truck now."

She then picked up mine and Jasper's present.

"Another book. Lilly this must be form you." She said

"Haha its from me and Jasper. It's called Shaksperian Love." She thanked us and turned to Esme and Carlisle's present. She was having trouble opening it.

She cursed and the smell of sickly sweet blood floated to me. I covered my mouth and tried not to breath it in. I started to walk backwards till I hit the wall.

Edward pushed Bella into the table and more of the sickly sweet blood came. Jasper was being held back by Adam and Emmett.

"Girls get Lilly outside." Carlisle told them Esme and Alice helped me out. Rose held the door. Adam and Emmett came out next struggling to hold Jasper.

"A little help please." Emmett said

I ran over to Jasper. I stood on my tip-toes to reach his face. I grabbed his face making him look at me.

"Jasper look at me." I told him. His eyes a dark black color. "Hey hey hey look at me." His eyes still a dark black.

"Lilly get him out of here." Rosalie told me.

I teleported us to the forest. "Jazzy do you see me." His eyes cleared

He shook his blonde mop of hair and hugged me. "I'm so sorry Lilly. I freaked." I rubbed circles on his lower back.

"It's okay love." I told him. He placed his hand on my stomach. My phone rang and it was Esme.

"Yes?" I asked

"Bella left and I just bleached the floor is Jasper okay."

"Yah he's okay. We'll be there in a few."

Jazz grabbed my hand and we walked to the house.

"Lilly how long are we not going to tell them?" Jazz asked me

"Carlisle already knows." I said looking down

"I mean the others Alice, Rose, Edward."

"I don't know. When I start to show then okay. We've only known for two weeks."

"Still they are our family. They deserve to know."

"And they will. But not now. Jasper I know your worried I just need time to adjust."

"Its going to take twice as long a a normal human for it to happen so a year and a half."

"I know Jasper. I know."

"Lils I'm just worried that we're not ready."

"We'll be fine. Don't worry."

"I'm your husband it's my job to worry." I laughed and hugged him. He pulled away and lifted my head. He bent down and kissed me on the lips. He lingered there for a few more seconds. I pulled away.

"Want to race?"

He nodded and took off. I ran next to him. Me being a shield I could hide memories from Edward.

When we got to the house Edward pounced on Jasper. "Don't ever try to attack Bella again."

"Edward get off of him now." I yelled throwing Edward off of Jazz. "You okay Jazz." He nodded and stood. Edward got up and ran at us. I teleported us away. Edward followed me.

"Edward Anthony Mason Cullen Stop this right now. This is your fault." Carlisle yelled

"This is not my fault. They attacked Bella."

"Your the one who brought her over."

"In two days we are leaving. I can't put Bella in anymore danger." Edward said.

"What? Your just going to dump her and run. Edward where will we go huh." Adam asked.

"We're going to Voturia-"

"NO NOT HAPPENING" I yelled. Jasper came over to me and held me tight.

"Its the saf-"

"Maybe for you it's safe not me. They killed my family." I shouted.

"Lilly it's the best we can do." Esme said

"I'm sorry but I need a minute." I walked out the door in a rush. Once outside I teleported myself to the woods.

Jasper's pov

I saw Lilly teleport and I wanted to run after her.

"Jasper she needs time." Edward told me

I ran to him grabbing his neck and pushing him to the wall. "I don't give a damn if you are going to leave the human. Just don't put my WIFE in danger." I growled in his face.

"Jasper put him down." Rosalie said. I growled and said "I'm going to go find Lilly." I let go of Edward and ran out the door to look for Lilly.

I heard her foot steps a few meters ahead.

"Lilly?" I asked. She turned and when she saw me she ran to me. I wrapped my arms around her. I rested my chin on her head.

"There's nothing we can do to stop this Lils. I know that you dispise the Volturi. But we have to go we have to stay with our family." She nodded and said

"Okay. Two days then we leave right." She asked her voice ruff. I nodded and pulled away. I tilted her head back so I could look at her. Her eyes were a bright golden color and I kissed her nose and she smiled.

"Ready to go back." I asked she replied with a yes. "You want to walk teleport or run?"

She chuckled "walk." She told me.

We started walking towards the house.

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