It's Time To Talk About Stuff

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We started walking towards the house and Lilly stared at the forest floor.

"Lilly I know that we just talked about this but are we ready? I mean if the Volturi find out that your pregnant..." I trailed off.

She grabbed my hand and made me stop. She pulled her face to mine her eyes staring at mine.

"Jasper they won't find out. They can't stop me from having the baby. It's already growing." I felt the worry in her she was scared that they would take the baby away from us. "They can't find out.If they do they will kill them." I saw in her eyes that if we were able to cry she would be balling.

"I won't let them touch our child." I kissed her lips. She swung her arms around my neck holding me there. I licked her lip she opened her mouth and I explored her mint flavored mouth. She pulled away.

"Hehe we should get back." She told me

"Can we teleport I don't feel like walking?" She laughed and teleported us to the house. Once we had walked in Alice ran to us. She squished us both in a hug.

"Why didn't you tell me." Lilly looked at me.

"Tell you what." Lilly asked scared.

"That your pregnant." Alice said.

"YOUR PREGNANT!" everyone besides Carlisle and Alice yelled. I could feel that Edward wasn't home.

"Yes I'm pregnant. Now don't tell anyone." Lily was really scared.

"Alice what did you see about the baby." I asked.

"Just Lilly in labor." I could tell there was something she was hiding.

"Edward has to be told." Esme said

"NO." Lilly and I said in unison. "Do not tell him. Lilly can you do that shield thing around this conversation." She nodded and jestured everyone over. She held out her hand. We all grabbed her hand and held it.

"qui loquuntur ad hunc priorem posteriorem faceré."

A light glow came from Lilly's hair and she let go of our hands.

"I'm just going to got to bed. Night." She said walking towards the stairs.

Once we heard her close the door. They all turned to me. "How long have you known. And who told you." Rosalie asked

"Carlisle told us and we've known for two weeks." I said

"How long will it be?" Adam asked.

"A year and a half. Twice as long as a normal human." I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands.

"Jasper the Volturi will find out eventually and when they do-" Emmett started

"I know they'll kill my child. I can't let that happen. I just can't..."

◇◇◇◇◇◇◇two days later ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
Lilly's pov

Today we had to leave. We sold all the cars besides Edwards Volvo, Emmett's Jeep and Jasper's motorcycle.

 We sold all the cars besides Edwards Volvo, Emmett's Jeep and Jasper's motorcycle

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I changed/\ and walked down the stairs. Jasper sat on the couch playing with his fingers. He was dressed in his Biking clothes: a leather jacket, fadding jeans, and army boots.

"Oh Lilly your here good. Okay so Esme, Edward and I are going in the Volvo. Rose, Emmett, Alice and Adam are going in the Jeep. Lilly and Jasper are going on the bike." Carlisle explained.

We nodded and dispersed. I walke d over to Jasper and sat down.

"You okay love?" I asked him. He turned his head to the side looking at me.

"Why are you asking me. Your the one everyone's worried 'Bout. Well everyone besides Edward. He's wallowing."

I laughed and was about to say something when Adam said it was time to go. Jasper grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We walked to the bike. He sat down and I swung my leg over the back. I sat with my arms around Jasper's waist and my chest to his back.

"Ready?" He asked

"I will never be ready for this." He laughed and started the bike.

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