Meeting the Wolves Part 1

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"Lilly your not going." Jazz told me. I snorted.

"And why shouldn't I?"

"First your pregnant. Second we don't know if we can trust these wolves." DAMN he looked serious.

"I'm going and you can't stop me."

"Yes I can."

"I'm not going to fight Jazz. I'll just watch." he slowly agreed and I walked into the sitting room. I sat down next to Esme and she started to ask questions.

"How are you feeling dear? Do you need a sandwich or something?" she asked worried.

"Esme what's wrong?"

"Nothing wrong dear." She looked nervous.

"I told you that I don't want babying because I'm pregant."

"Carlisle told me about you and the birth. Lilly are-"

"Esme I'm fine. And I'm ready for it I guess. As long as the babies are safe and fine..." I didn't know how to finish that. The babies... they might be blind, or mute, or deaf and I won't be fine I'll be dead.

"Lilly are you sure I mean. I know what it's like to lose a child and for you your losing your whole family and-"

"Esme please your not helping. I know what I'm leaving behind. I just don't want to let go just yet. I want to live this life with my husband and my family and just hope to god that they will be safe when I... go."

she nodded and hugged me. I'm not really one for hugs but today I know that some people need and acseption. (I know thats not how you spell it but just comment the right way)

Carlisle called that it was time to go and i went out to the car. Jasper was ridding in the Jeep with me, Emmett, Rose. Alice in the Porshe with Adam and Carlisle in the Volvo with Esme. Edward was going to get bella and I was not pleased with that.


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