Chapter 5

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Getting Percy into the car was less of a puzzle than the last time, and jet they still managed to get the tail on the wrong side of the body.

The problem regarding the water was a bit difficult, but they managed it by wettig some towels and wrapping them around Percy.
Though, Paul wasn't very pleased about his car getting soggy (is that even a word?), keeping a mythical creature alive was more important.

With every mile they came closer to Half-blood-Hill the tension around them got thicker. They were nearly able to cut through it. No one knew if their plan would work, they're just going by feeling.

After another long half an hour Half-blood-Hill finally came into view and at the base of the hill stood a certain blond with blankets and a wheelchair.

Getting Percy out of the car ist much easier than in. You just grab the tail and pull with all your might.
Getting him up the hill was a whole nother story. Just imagine Sisyphus (the Guy who rolled a stone up a hill), that's how hopeless it was. But.....since there were two strong men and some new technology called doorstoppers (???) they managed.
After hours of trying to get the wheelchair up the hill (It could have been half an hour....I don't know... ADHD...) they finally reached the top of the hill sweating and cursing.
The whole way up Percy had a lot of fun. Watching his friend and stepdad struggle just made him happy. "You'll pay for that Perce" Will said between curses. "Wow, you've got a dirty mouth, Solace. Shall I wash it out for you?" Percy giggled (Yes, Percy giggles). That shut Will up, because he knew from experience that Percy wasn't kidding. Even when he was laughing.

The easiest part was to the next phase.

Down, at the bottom of the hill was Camp Half-Blood. It looked lonely and abandoned. Not a soul could be seen. At the sight of camp Percy's jaw nearly hit the ground. "Wow, Camp looks really lonely right now." "Probably for the better. We don't want to be seen, remember?"Will grumbeled, still a bit sulkily. They slowly proceeded on going down the hill. But the feeling of forgetting something never left them.

After some time sneeking around the buildings Percy finally remembered: "Shit, we forgot Paul."
"Well, it's too late to go back. The chicken might find us" Will stated, sighing.
"Ever considered why we call them «chicken»?"
"Well, they do look like chicken"
"Yes *sigh* but what are they actually called?"
"I think they're called Cockatrice" (Literally searched «mythological creature with chicken head» on Google)

After that was sorted, they continued their travel through camp, leaving an slightly angry Paul behind.
Will and Percy only ran into one Chickenmonster and because Percy was bound to a wheelchair, Will had to go fight it. Hoping Chiron won't mind one Monster missing they left a pile of dust behind them.

Finally Percy's cabine came into view.


And that's a wrap
Never knew it's so hard to write a chaper
(Or a sentence)
Who said that?!?!
Anyways...Thank you for reading...Hope you enjoyed
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Seriously who is this????


Till next time

BookHippocami out!!!

      Here is a picture of a doorstopper

S       Here is a picture of a doorstopper

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