Chapter 2: Decorating Fun

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Max's pov: I woke up to Maple poking me with a stick she probably found outside "Max? can you make breakfast?" she asks quietly trying not to make me mad "Ya sure I'll... get up right now.." I said tiredly rubbing my eyes which made Maple get out of my room and probably into the kitchen.  I walk into  the living room and see Maple sitting on the couch watching cartoon network which chad probably turned on for her, I start to make pancakes for Maple and put them on a plate once I finished "Maple do you want Syrup?" I say and she nods and I hand her the bottle of syrup. "Maple after you're done get dressed were going to to IKEA with chad."  I say while she eats and Maple nods so I go to get dressed and tell Chad about the trip. 

Maple's pov: I walked over to my room and chose an outfit for the day, I also looked around my bare room seeing what I could fit and not fit in it. "Can I fit a candy dispenser in here?" I ask myself as I slipped on my old red converse when Max came in and interrupted my thoughts, "Are you ready mate?" He said popping his head through the doorway and I said yes causing him to nod and lead the way. "So are you thinking about what you want your room to have?" Max asked and I nodded "A bookshelf, Bean bag chair, desk and I think that's about it not including posters and the necessities." I explain and I see max nod,Once we finally got to IKEA Chad helped me out of the car and we walked in. I looked around while Max and Chad looked at the map in the front of the store and the store looked pretty big, Max immediately called me back to where they were and said "I know this might be werid for you since I just met you yesterday but hold my hand this store is huge and I don't wanna lose you in this maze of a building." I understood and grabbed Max's hand in delight as we went up the escalator.

Max's pov: we walked around to find the children's section and thankfully it only took 30 minutes not including the times Maple wanted to see all the room displays. When we made it there Maple found her bookshelf,desk,and a werid ass swivel chair but if she likes it I guess it's cool. We were trying to find some lamps as well when Chad pointed out a cloud lamp that maple couldn't keep her eyes off of once Chad pointed it out but we still needed a desk lamp so we got that as well. Me and Chad packed everything into the car after we paid while Maple looked at us struggle and argue about how to put the boxes in the car. We got home and started opening the boxes of the bookshelf and desk so me and Chad could build it while Maple took care of the bean bag and other wall decorations that "Jeff" was helping her put up.

Maple's pov: I had Jeff put up all the wall decorations I chose and he helped me build the swivel chair. I decided to ask Jeff about the room next to mine and why it had a hole and he quietly said "Oh that uh...I kinda did that." He tired to explain that it was for a joke so I wouldn't be scared of him but I understood and laughed a little as he told me the story. "We finally finished." Max said as he carried my bookshelf into the spot I wanted and Chad placed the desk next to it, I smiled at them looking at my newly designed room. "Thanks guys!" I said hugging each one of them and they were a little surprised especially Jeff but they all group hugged me back almost suffocating me in the process. When they all left the room I opened my backpack and pulled out my crayons along with my paper, I put these two things on my new desk and drew a picture of me,Max,Chad, and Jeff  to hang up on my new bulletin board and when I finished I was so tired that I fell asleep on the desk hoping that tomorrow would be another great adventure.

A/N: If you haven't caught on yet howtobasic is the character Jeff. Hope u like dis I hope to update more often!- benny

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