Chapter 13: Night Out

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Maple's pov: We reached the hotel room at 1:30 and It was just me and Max by that time "Maple I'm gonna shower and probably nap for a bit think you can wake me up at 2?" Max asked me and I nodded, Max told me to get some ice for the ice bucket before going to the bathroom to shower so I went to find a machine. I ran down the haul Naruto style to find the ice bucket machine and I eventually found it and started filling the bucket almost overflowing it when a girl that looked my age with glasses passed by "Trust me that's not enough ice it melts fast might as well just overflow it right?" And I nodded in agreement and walked back to the room. "Max why didn't you just get a single room I don't like sleeping in a giant bed by myself!" I said lying on my bed  "Because if I got us one bed you would be crushed by me and I probably wouldn't notice now take a nap or something I'm tired." Max said before covering his head with a pillow, I quietly pulled out one of the coloring books I owned and started coloring waiting to wake Max.

Max's pov: I felt maple pat my head really fast and I groaned before she jumped on the bed and started shaking me. I rubbed my eyes a bit and turned on the T.V hoping to relax for a couple minutes before I looked at Maple and saw that she was wearing the same clothes from the airport "Dude take a shower that was a 16 hour flight your clothes have to be sweaty or something." I said and Maple groaned complaining that she was to lazy too take one and I persisted until she took one. While Maple showered I checked my phone and I saw that I got a text from Ian

I= Ian
M= Max

I: How does a Night out sound?
M: Tonight? But I can't leave Maple alone
I: why not she's like 12
M: last time she was left alone for 12  minutes she accidentally locked herself in the bathroom
I: ok I see your point but the hotel you stay at has a "hangout" for preteens
M: oh shit really? I'll do that then
I: see you at 9
M: K

After ending the conversation I saw Maple come out with her shortalls straps not on "Max I can't do the straps it's difficult.." she said pulling the strap and tried to button it herself "Fine let me see... goddamit it won't snap.. STRAP DAMMIT!" I say struggling with the straps and I eventually got them both on. We chilled in the hotel room for a bit before Maple complained about eating so we went down to the lobby and went outside to see if there was anything nearby, thankfully Maple pointed out a Burger King a couple blocks down the street. Maple got a 10 piece of chicken nuggets and I got a Whopper, Once we got to the hotel room Maple ate pretty fast and so did I causing us to burp at the same time which made both of laugh and high five. I mentioned the teen spot to Maple and said that we should check it out and she nodded and said it sounded like fun, Once we go to the spot I talked to one of the counselors and they said that the hours we're 8 to 12 "Sick is it ok if we come here at 9?" I asked and the guy nodded before Maple came back from her tour. "So did you like it?" I asked and she nodded before telling me about the rooms "There's a gaming room with Mario Kart 8 oh and a bunch of sofas and tables to hang out at!" She said trying to give me every detail "Hope you make friends kid cause you're going there at 9:20 me and Ian got a date night." I said jokingly and Maple nodded happily.

Maple's pov: by the time me and Max came back from some exploring and racing down the halls with the suitcase dollys "Beat you!" I cheered as Max came in the room last "Only because you pushed me out of the way." He complained and I shrugged "Alright it's 9:10 you might wanna get like a small bag to take or something and I shook my head "Nah I just need this." Saying as I shoved probably 2 handfuls of M& Ms into my overall pocket before Max complained about it melting and stuff so I had to compromise and take 4 packets of Fundip instead. Max Walked me into the hangout room and left me with a hug and I walked past two girls who were messing with pixy dust when I recognized one of them from the ice machine "Hey um you gave me advice at the ice machine?" I told her and she smiled "Oh yeah what's up I'm Fiona like you're accent bro." She said fist bumping before continuing to pour pixy stick powder all over the table "This Ari, Dude hand me the bookmark." She told Ari and I waved shyly at her "Ariel but I like to be called Ari.. Apple juice?" She said handing me a juice box and I took it and watched as Fiona snorted the pixy stick powder "Doesn't that burn?!" I said and Fiona shook her head "Nah but I need more powder.." She said looking in her pockets and I pulled out a fundip packet "FIONA SHE HAS THE GOOD STUFF!" Ari Said holding up my arm and Fiona looked at me wide eyed "I love you now." She said as she took the packet from me and I was tapped on the shoulder. "You new?" The girl asked and I nodded before Fiona started shouting "PARTY POOPER LEEEEEYASS!" "It's Leyah and don't stretch the e that far it's just leeyah." She said and Fiona shook her head and continued with her fundip snorting " So I see you met the alcoholic and the druggie." She said pulling me away from them and onto a seat nearby "Uh ya haha I'm Maple." I said introduction myself and we shook hands.

Fiona's pov: After I snorted the Fundip I saw that Ari had around 4 empty crushed juice boxes around her before she yelled "ANOTHER ROUND OF JUICE BOYS!" And slammed another box onto the counter before passing out "Lee are you already exposing us?" I asked walking over to her and she shook her head "Nah I was just talking to her about the group we have." I nodded and I added in "My Big Brother Frank picks me Up at 10 if my Dad Georgie is working but usually it's my dad." I said and Lee started to ask "So why are you here? Fiona doesn't have a social Life so this is her only time she has friends that's why she's here." Lee said teasing me and I pouted "Well you're here because your mom went shopping without you!" I said trying to tease her as well but she rolled her eyes before listening to Maple say something about a Night out "Ah the good ole club and dump that's what Ari is here for to but she's here almost every week." I said and Right then Ari walked over obviously still a little dizzy. "How about we stop scaring this kid and play a simple game of candy land or something." Lee offered and we all agreed and Maple picked up the game and set it up for us "ok I call green!" I said and After 10 minutes Ari won the game "WOOO FREE JUICE BOXES ON ME LADIES!" She said slamming her game piece on the board causing Maple to jump "This is normal don't worry." "Wait don't they give juice boxes for free already though?" "Don't ruin it she might get emotional." I whispered and Maple nodded before I heard a familiar voice "Fifi where are ya kid?" "FRANKIE!" I screamed in excitement Hugging him "Wait up I need to do something!" I told him and he nodded and I ran over to Maple "Here's my Skype, Discord, And number let's keep in touch!" I said handing her the piece of paper and I heard Frank yell "YA THERE'S MY LITTLE LADIES GIRL!" And I rolled my eyes as we left the building.

Maple's pov: I looked at the scribbled piece of paper that I could thankfully read and I stuck it in my pocket before hearing leyah  write on a paper as well "She can't be the only one that can contact you so here's my stuff and Ari's because I doubt she can remember anything right now." Leyah said pointing at a snoring Ari that was sleeping on a beanbag chair "Hope you guys have fun together I gotta go my mom might be here soon and she hates waiting." Leyah explained and I nodded walking her to the entrance before hugging her as she left. I looked at the papers and saw that Leyah's hotel room was 4 rooms down from mine and I decided to text her and we agreed to meet up at sometime. After around 30 minutes I saw Max come in and I hugged him and told him about everything I saw and everyone I met "That's real nice Maple but I bet nothing can beat the news I have for you!" He said and I looked at max in anticipation "We're going to Universal Studios tomorrow."

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