Chapter 12: Plane Ride

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Max's pov: I packed a small backpack for Maple for the airport before we left So I let her pack the things she wanted before filling it with 4 juice boxes and 4 pudding cups hoping that would last her the trip.  "Maple are you ready yet?" I asked peeking in her room only to see her asleep with one show on "MAPLE WAKE UP AND PUT ON YOUR SHOE!" I yelled which woke her up immediately and probably even scared her. I waited impatiently at the front door for Maple and once she finally came out of the hallway we rushed out the door and Maple flipped when she realized that it was a 16 hour flight "MAX THAT'S TO LONGGG!" Maple whined and I started at her from the rear view mirror and said "If you complain even once I'm eating 3 of those dam pudding cups I left in your bag." Which made Maple shut up immediately.

Maple's pov: I looked out the window while Max blasted his music to keep me awake the whole ride, once we arrived at the airport Max said that Ian already got through security so he would wait for us in the boarding area. After what seemed like  hours of going through security we finally arrived to the boarding area and I was on Max's back because he called me slow while we were walking towards the nearest McDonalds,  We met Ian at a table once we ordered and I shyly sat next to Max and messed around with the key-chain on my backpack. "Order 69?" the lady called and I snickered before Max nudged me and went to grab our food leaving me at the table with Ian "Is this you're first flight?" he asked and I nodded and he handed me a package of gum "Chew this when you need to pop your ears trust me you'll need it." He said and I smiled before thanking him and when putting the gum away I found the mother load of  pudding cups along with my favorite spoon  but before I could even touch it Max grabs my bag and puts it next to him so I couldn't touch it "buzzkill.." I mumbled and Ian smirked trying not to giggle at my comment. Ian and Max messed around trying to throw fries into each others mouth missing a lot of times before I attempted to throw a nugget at Ian's mouth but it hit his glasses instead which made Max laugh hysterically and in response Ian threw a fry at my face which I tried to catch but missed. 

Ian's pov: Once we finished eating it was time to wait on our flight to be called but who knew how long that would take,"Max do I have to sit in between you and Ian?" Maple whined as he got his 3ds "Yup  it's for safety measures pumpkin."    he teased patting her head which made Maple roll her eyes. Me and Maple ended up messing around together while waiting with me winning 3 thumb battles and Maple winning 4 matches of "paper,scissors,rock" as Max calls it, "Flight 493 is ready to board." The speaker said and We all got up and stretched before going over to the boarding area. We let Maple have the window seat and I got to sit next to Max for the rest of the flight, I just watched Netflix on my laptop while Max worked and Maple just tiredly watched us even though Max told her to fall asleep. "It's so obvious that you're sleepy just close your eyes." Max said to Maple but she shook her head and looked out the window instead before Max got out some headphones and plugged them into his phone "Listen to this it might help." Max mumbled and I saw him go on George's SoundCloud before choosing You Suck Charlie. It took Maple around 5 minutes and 2 of George's songs to fall asleep before She opened her eyes and I could see anger in them before I heard her sleepily mumble to Max "My seat keeps moving..."

Max's pov: I thought Maple was just drowsy and was probably imagining things before I felt her seat and I realized someone was kicking her seat. I turned around to see some lady on her phone and right when I turned my head the kid stopped and the mom apologized thankfully but Maple still couldn't fall asleep because the kid didn't even stop "stupid ginger cunt.." I mumbled under my breath as Maple squirmed in her seat so I sighed and offered to change seats with her to which she happily agreed. I was so annoyed about the ginger kid behind me but he eventually stopped thankfully and I turned to check on Maple only to see her asleep on Ian's shoulder "sorry Ian do you want me to move her?" I asked quietly trying not to wake her and he shook his head and said he was fine. After a couple of hours Maple woke up slowly and I gave her a pudding cup to eat for lunch while me and Ian ate some free peanuts. The rest of the flight Maple ended up watching some Disney movies like Peter pan and The Lion King but the cutest part of it is that I caught Ian being soft as he watched it with her and made sure she was comfortable so I could work in peace so to tease him I tested him and typed "If you keep acting like that You're gonna end up on Scarce being called a pedophile." And Ian tested back "Oh shut up cunt I'm trying to be nice." And I giggled a bit before getting back to work for the rest of the flight.

A/N: This is what Maple wore I forgot to add this in lolz

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