Chapter 11

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So after the whole 'heat thing' we decided that it would be best to go talk to the twins' father.

"What do you think this means?" Blake asked.

"To be honest.... I have no idea. If you guys haven't mated yet then she should be in horrible pain, it just doesn't make sense." Their father stated.

'It's because of me.' Jewels said.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'I'm the reason you're not in pain. Me being a fox is affecting the way the full moon affects you.' She said.

Well know I know what's happening, but mates don't and they can't find out.


At the moment, my mates and I are in their living room watching movies.

Just as Blake is about to put in the next disc, I stiffen. Both boys turn and look at me with questioning gazes.

Out of nowhere Jewels takes over. The boys stare at my like I've grown another head.

"What's happening to your eyes?" Daniel questions.

'Shit! Jewels give me control back!! They can't see my eyes or they will find out about us!!' I screamed at her in my head.

You see, when a werewolf's wolf takes control their eyes turn yellow, if they are regular pack members, blue if they're betas, and red if they are alphas. But since I'm a fox, my eyes turn purple.

'I can't give you control back.' She says.

'Well why the fuck not?' I yell.

'You just have to trust me!' She yells back.

And with that she takes off into the woods.

I can here the boys running after us, but foxes are more agile and fast, so they'll never catch up.

Eventually she stops and gives me control back.

'What are we doing here?' I ask.

'You'll see.' She says back.

Then I hear something, a rustling in the bushes. I keep my guard up and walk to the noise slowly.

When I get there, I'm very surprised to see a boy, a very naked boy I should add.

"Who are you and why are on my land?" I ask. He visibly stiffens.

"I.. I don't know, I was watching tv when my fo-, wolf took control." He states.

He was about to say fox, I think to my self.

"Are you a fox too?" I whisper.

His head shot up so fast, I can't believe it didn't snap.

"How do you know about my kind?" He questions.

I shift my eyes so they glow purple.

Then out of nowhere comes two very pissed off wolves.

Hey guys. Another short chapter, sorry.

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