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Emma's P.O.V 

I woke up To find myself sweating on my bed which was gross. I got  so scared i felt like crying Right then and there. I Went on to twitter and saw @Jake_Short was following me.I think he's cuter then cole.I have met these girl Named Claudia shes really nice she likes Niall too but she has a boyfriend named Stephen hes funny, I have met them. 

It was 8:10 when i looked up at my clock and i decited to go downstars.

Yes bye I love you i cant wait. Niall said when I walked dow he didnt see me Good thing. Something was wrong who coud have said I love you too? Does My Uncle Niall have a GirlFriend? 

HIya Ni who you talking to i said He was scared so he jumped up. 

N-N-Nobody he said. 

Fine i will go on twitter and ask your fans who is your Girl? I said trying to make him tell him.. 

Nooo I'll tell you just dont tell anyone ok? He asked me Sure I said. 

Well you see i have been hanging out with Umm He said scraching my head Demi he said Like in THE demi? I asked 

Yes her. He said 

AWWW What about Your fans? Thye will Love it I said

UMM Not really Demi will get hate if they find out he said kinda sad. 

Oh i see well i got to go  I said while hoping up to my room. 

Once i got to my room i went to take a shower , Once i got to the bathroom in did what i needed to do. After i was done I dried myself and put on my bar and pantties I grabed Shorts that were Coral color and A shirt that said LOVE and was white and I put on my Combat boots. I decated to straightend my hair and have it down and put on eyeliner and masscara and chapstick. Then i was done i went downstars to ask for money so i could go to starbucks besides it was a Saturday. 

Hey em whats up Dad asked he was on the couch on his phone. 

Um doing fine can i borrow some moey i asked 

Yeah how much do you need? He asked 

Um I dont know i said. 

Here he said giving me a $20.00 bill.

thanks ill be back im going to starbucks. I said going to the door. 

Ok be back soon he said I was thinking he would say no. 

I was walking down the sidewalk singing Jar of hearts. I love that song.. 

I know I can't take one more step towards you

'Cause all that's waiting is regret

Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore

You lost the love I loved the most

I learned to live half alive

And now you want me one more time

And who do you think you are?

Runnin' 'round leaving scars

Collecting your jar of hearts

And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold

From the ice inside your soul

So don't come back for me

Who do you think you are?

I hear you're asking all around

If I am anywhere to be found

But I have grown too strong

To ever fall back in your arms

And I've learned to live half alive

And now you want me one more time

After that i was at starbucks so i ordered a Caramel Fappachino and payed the girl 12.93 after that i walked out and got a DM from Jake.

Jake: Hey Emma we should hang out sometime i just saw you at starbucks im heading there so wanna met up? 

Emma: Sure:) I would love to i'll wait. 

After he sent me the Dm i went back to Starbucks to met him . I was waiting for like 3 mins when i saw him he ordered the same as me. 

Hi you must be Emma right? He asked Dam he's cute 

Yes thats me and your Jake short From A-N-T farm I said i use to watch that show but i dont anymore. 

When I got home it was 10:00. Jake is so sweet and nice. He asked me out I said yes i do really like him <3 I wonder what Dad or the Boys will say I Hope they dont get mad. 

I walked in and Saw Demi and Niall Making out which was gross. I faked Gaged and said EWWWW NOO PDA IN THE HOUSE.. They both looked at me and Niall was blushing and Demi looked at me She is very pretty. 

Hi you must be Emma, Niall talk about you alot. Demi said.

Aww Niall you do and yes in am Emma Payne. 

Payne? Liam's daughter? She asked

Yes. Adopted Daughter. I said and said bye no PDA ok and left to my room I decited to text Kayla.

( K= Kayla E= Emma )

E. Hey girl what's up?

K. NM Im bored can i go over? 

E. Yeah sure 

K. Ok ill be there in 10. bye

E. KK bye. 

After about 7 mins kayla finally came over. I was going down to met her but i saw her coming up. Niall must of let her in she was not happy she was pissed you could see it by the way she walked . 

Hey I said 

WTF you didnt tell me about Niall and Demi? She asked hurt and mad.

Um No i barely saw them and its ok Kayla. I told her trying  to make her feel better.

I'm going home Em im sorry i just cant see niall with that bitch. She said while crying.

Here ill take you home. I told her while hugging her while she cried onto my shoulder.

Kayla's P.O.V 

We were walking to my house. I cant belive Niall and Demi are dating I have waited my whole life to date Niall. Yes im 14 and he's 20. But who cares. I dont

I'm really am sorry Emma i made you walk all this way just because i cryed over Niall.I told her feeling sorry for making her walk all this way.

Its Fine i dont care. I hope you feel Better, She said while she was walking back home. BYE KAY ILLL SEE YA.. She shouted while she ran home.

BYE!!!!!! I dhouted back at her, After Emma Left i went straight up to my room and  tore my Niall Posters of my wall and Screamed some not so kind Words. I then started to Cry in my room that had Torn posters of Niall i felt so Stupid. NIALL WILL NEVER LOVE YOU KAYLA. Your stupid to think he will. Those were the only words that were in my mind.... 





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