chapter thirteen; exposed

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sorry i can't really think of a title for this one- warning: intense language read at your own risk


I absolutely hate waking up at the early hours in the morning. But today, today was different. Today I get to see Finn. And today,

I'm exposing Sadie's ass.

I put on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans with black leather books. Today was going to be a good day, so I have to look my best.

I raced downstairs and told my mom I would see her later and started to race out of the door. I had to get to school early so I could sharpen my eyeliner so I could cut this bitch.


arrived at school a little bit early than usual, but that was okay because maybe Finn would be here and to my surprise, he was.

"Hey," he said approaching my locker.

"Hey finnie boy," I said back.

"Don't ever call me that,"

"I think I just did."

I was putting my books in my locker when I noticed that Finn was actually staring at me.

"Do you mind?" I asked, trying not to sound too much of a bitch.

"No not at all," he replied.

What an ass.

"You just look, you know,"


"Really pretty."

Now I looked like a tomato and a strawberry combined. Great.

"I'm going to expose Sadie today in front of everybody," I told him, trying to keep my mind off of what I looked like right at that second.

"Millie are you insane? Do you know how much trouble you'll get in?"

"I don't care. She hurt me and now it's time to get back."

"Well didn't you tell me she had some type of depression?"

And that's when it hit me. I couldn't do this. As much as I hated this girl I couldn't put her through that. And I know it's wrong but I don't care. It sucks that I care so much about people who in return don't give a fuck about me.

"Hellooo? Earth to Millie?" he asked, apparently I zoned out by thinking too hard.

"I'm just thinking,"


"What I should do,"

"Maybe try thinking of another plan," he suggested.

"Not something that will make her even more suicidal."

I was thinking to myself for a second about how much I trusted this Sadie character. I mean, she lied to me multiple times, plus she broke all her promises. What if she was lying when she told me she had depression? What if this whole time I've been listening to a liar, and her thinking I'll never know the truth. No, I don't know that for sure. She could be telling the truth. It's very rare but it could be. And plus, why would anybody lie about depression? Depression is a horrible horrible thing- especially when you're going through it. And it did look like she was sad a lot.

I'm just so confused.


Later on in the day I tried to find Sadie and watch her actions because I wanted to find out if she was being honest about what she told me.

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