Chapter one: Another past bites the dust

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The sun shone brightly down upon my kingdom. The lake twinkled like a million stars. The soft blow of the wind caused the leaves on the tree from the forest around to rustle. The smell of fresh bread and steaming pies filled the market. It was around noon and the chatter from the mother of the young children that ran around fill my ears. It was just another preparation of another celebration. In a few hours, the market place would be filled with the villagers, each would be holding a lantern. Inside the castle, a room would be filled with those wishing to attend the dinner celebration. Then at twilight, everyone would be outside, lanterns in hand. My father would shout my age, and we would all let go of the lanterns. The anniversary celebrations were always filled with excitement, and it was our tradition for each member of the royal family to have a different way of celebrating. My father had a gathering around the lake and everyone would put a leave or seed in the water for his. My mothers was a family portrait, with flowers thrown down on the village. My younger brothers was a horse ride in which anyone could attend. It was just our way of celebrating.

From the balcony that overlooked our great kingdom, I could see the bustling villages people, along with the bright noise. But was that...battle cries? It couldn't be. The patrols we had sent to deal with the problem of bandits wouldn't return for days, and even then, they never returned with battle cries. Our kingdom was a peaceful one, and we never looked for war. I looked to beyond the long stretch of forest and stumbled back at what I saw. A mess of black, with flames flickering here and there.

An army.

More specific, my uncle's army.

Merek, my banished uncle, was waging war upon us, upon his own blood!

I rushed to the thrown room to alert my father, who was currently in a quick court meeting.

"Vader, Marek het 'n leër! Hulle kom as ons praat! (Father, Merek has an army! They come as we speak!)" I yell. Father stands up and yells for a servant.

"Tell the Knights to ready themselves. We must defend the people!" Then he turns to me.

"Merlin, get you mother and brother, and get them out of here." He says, authority lacing his voice.

"I want to fight!" I yell back.

"You must get to safety." He says desperately.


"Hold him for me," Father says and I frown. My frown deepens as I feel arms wrap around mine.

"Tybalt, I need a sleeping draft." Tybalt, our leading physician hands my father a small bottle.

"No!" I shake my head and struggle against the Knight's grip. I rip one hand free and punch both Knights, but more come at me, effectively holding me down. My father holds my nose and opens my mouth. I try to fight back, but I can't. The cold clear liquid fills my mouth, and before I can spit it out, my father holds my lips together.

I swallow, and my vision becomes blurry.

I hear a distant "Will, find his brother and mother, get them all out of here." before my world goes black.


My head feels like a weight, and my limbs are numb. The events before hand cause me to groan.

"Hey Merlin, your alright, just a little drowsy," Will says. Will and I have been the best of friends since we were children. We both train as knights together, and I can't imagine what it would have been like had we not met.

What of my father, Will?" I asked weakly.

"He escaped, but I have not seen him sense."

"My mother" My brother?"

"I could not find your brother, and your mother is with us," Will said calmly.

"Where are we going?" I ask, dreading the answer.

"We are going to Ealdor, where you mother grew up."

And, of course, you know the rest. I lived in Ealdor, moved to Camelot, save Prince Arthur's life, and became his servant, saving him again, and again. And the royal prat doesn't even know, not even years later, when he's king.

Please comment. I hate it when all I get is reads. 'Cause I love to know what I can do better, or what I've really well, or what you're really like about the story.

So please, just comment. There is no right or wrong answer.  

Now I sound like a teacher.


Bye! (I partly edited this chapter)

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