Chapter nine: Troubled explanations

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 The Camelot knights came back, chatting with my own knights. They had encountered no problems, and I must say, I almost wished I'd gone with them. But at the same time, spending some much needed time with Peter was a good way to finally relax.

Tomorrow was the night of the feast, and I'd been slipping off for some air frequently.

Gwen seemed to watch my every move, and when I turned my head to her, she would snap her eyes to something else. If it kept on going, she would find out before the feast, which at the moment, was not my top priority. Even getting to my chambers was hard.

Arthur was telling Gwen what he wanted her to whilst he was fighting. It looks like they were fighting about what she would end up doing. I took this as a chance to disappear. So I slipped off to the training rooms.

Gwen's POV

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Merlin slip off. But where?

He's been acting so odd lately, but I can't seem to figure out what's off. He slips off so much now, and I follow him. But even then, I can't find the slightest hint about what he's hiding. He's even odd in the evenings. Waiting up, though he normally has no more chores to do. Then Arthur drags my to bed, so I can't see where he goes. I know he doesn't go to the servant quarters.

But how do I find out what he's hiding?

I take the path he took, leaving Arthur. I can deal with him later. I see a shadow disappear around a corner and I follow it. After a few more turns, I hear voices.

"Merlin, do you want to train alone. You look like you need it." Is that Prince Peter?

"Yes, that would really do me some good." Merlin. So there isn't another Merlin here.

"Alright, everyone out. My brother wishes to train alone." I hear thuds and shuffling. I hide around the corner, somehow not being noticed as ten or so people (female and male) walk past me, chatting about how amazing it is to have their prince back.

Peter said his brother wanted to train alone, and he asked Merlin the same thing. But Merlin, a prince? He can't hold a sword without cutting himself. But what better way to stay hidden by acting like a villager? It makes scenes too. Merlin never tells us about his past.

This is what he's hiding. That he's a secret prince.

I turn around the corner, to see non-other than Merlin beating an alive dummy.

"So you're the heir to the Towerkuns throne." I said as he jumped.

Merlin's POV

I jumped at Gwen's voice. Life certainly had a few ways of flipping me on my head.

"Gwen, how did you-"

"I heard Prince Pet...I mean your brother," she says, still quite surprised. "Telling everyone that you wanted to train alone. I put the rest of the pieces together."

"Well, I must say, it's a relief that you're not yelling. Whether or not you wish to tell Arthur of my heritage is what is worrying." She looks shocked. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just...well, you talking like that is...odd." I had slipped into my prince nature without knowing.

"Right, yes. That." I say.

"Merlin, I won't tell Arthur. But he will find out one way or another." Gwen says.

"I know...which is why at the feast tomorrow, I'll be telling everyone." I said, slipping into worry.

"Really? During? Before? After?"

"Before. I just hope Arthur doesn't hate me."

"He won't. You've been there for him for everything, he won't drop you because of this." Gwen says confidently.

"You think so?" I ask unsurely.

"Yes. Now, I better go find him. I'll make sure he doesn't ask for you." I nodded at Gwen.

She turned and left the training area. I stood and stared for several seconds before going back to my training.


Gwen no longer watched my every move. She just bowed the head as I passed, whether Arthur was there or not. Every time Arthur saw this, however, he would ask Gwen what it was about. She would smile, laugh, shake her head, then drag him to the garden that had been made over the years.

Gwen got Arthur's dinner that night, and I went to my chambers. Inside, my own dinner had been waiting.

I ate the last of the meat and stood up. I walked to my wardrobe and looked inside. I took everything in, really looking. Then, on my old camping tunic, a rip, one that was so well hidden that only someone studying the brown material could see it, caught my eye. The long rip that went down from the top of the inner right sleeve and down half of that same sleeve, with fine brown thread weaved to mend it. That was the tunic I wore on the first patrol that I led. When a small group of bandits attacked, I had been so surprised that I fell off my horse, ripped the tunic, and knocked myself out. To this very day, I refuse to admit that I was knocked out before the fight even began.

But since then, I am proud to say, I have not knocked myself out before fighting bandits.

A knock sounded from the door.

"Merlin, it's me, Peter."

"Enter." My voice boomed.

"Merlin, Queen Gwe-" Peter was cut off.

"Merlin, Arthur wants you. I tried to tell him to leave you be, but-" This time, it was Gwen who was cut off.

"Gwen, it'll be fine. It's late, get some rest." She slowly nodded her head.

I walked out of my chambers and headed for Arthur's. When I walked in, Arthur has a goblet in his hand. As he spots me, he throws the goblet at my head. I duck to the side, gracefully getting out of the way.

Arthur stares in shock. Why is he shocked? I have no idea...oh no. Gracefully. In his mind, I'm not all. Seconds later, I fake fall, but it's too late.

"You fell...purposely." He started.

"Why thank you for the useless piece of information." I groan as I rub my now sore nose.

"Why?" Oh. No.

"Um, I...'s a little...oh, help me, someone." This would be the perfect moment for someone to walk in and tell Arthur he is needed, but this late at night, I doubt that'll happen.

"Just tell me." 

Hi guys, please, please, please comment. I love to know what you think and how I can improve. So your input is really important to me. If you see a mistake, think the chapters to short, or even just have much you love some part of the story (kidding kidding, the story isn't quite the good...yet...kidding again), please tell me.

And remember, I'm am not eating the last of the pasta left in the fridge from last nights dinner...maybe.

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