Chapter ten: Questions and lies

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"Just tell me." He urged.

"It's just"I stuttered yet again. Why was it so hard to make a lie? I've done it plenty of times before.

"Merlin!" Arthur yelled in frustration.

My ears began to ring, and my vision blurred. Strong magic captured me, surrounding me.

"Merlin? Are you ok." Arthur turned on his side. Or is that me?

"Wha...?" Then everything went black.


"King Arthur, I assure you, Merlin will be fine." A voice said.

"M'lord, he will need rest." Another added.

"Why can't I see him?" One Screeched.

I groaned, trying to open my eyes. They seemed to be glued shut.

"That was him, I know it. Let me in." The third voice says.

"King Arthur, please." There was a pause, then a sigh. "I will send for you when he is able to see anyone." The first voice.

"Fine, but I want to be first to know." The third voice says.

"Of course." The first voice.

My mind is blurry. The voice's sound familiar and so does the name, but I can't think of why.

"Merlin, are you ok?" The first voice again. But how does he know my name?

I groan, try to mumble an unheard sentence, then again, try to open my eyes.

"Tybalt, his eyes won't open!" The voice shouts. Tybalt? I know him!

"Coming sire." The second voice must be Tybalt.

I feel cold drops on my eyelids. I lift my hands to wipe it away, only to have them held down. I again try to open my eyes to see who could be holding me down, and this time, light floods in.

Once the blinding brightness fades, I can see Peter, hands on either side of me. He must have been the one to hold me down. I mumble again. Words just can't seem to form.

"You won't be able to talk for a while. I used a spell to drop all your senses and another to knock you out. Arthur was too determined to get answers. I couldn't let him find them." I nod, still confused about everything.

"Sire, it is good to see you," Tybalt speaks. I send a nod his way along with a glare for using my title.

"Merlin, you won't remember what happen for a while because the spell was too strong." He seemed to have something else to say, and I raised an eyebrow, a look that could surely match Gaius. Peter took a deep breath.

"You slept through the night. It is now time for lunch. I'm sorry Merlin, but the feast is in five hours."


If Arthur asking me why I was graceful was a good thing, then I don't know what's bad. Oh, wait, yes, there is something. It's only small. Just telling some friends that hate magic that I not only have it but am also the heir to the throne of a kingdom where it thrives...or used to be, anyway.

Peter had just gone off to tell Arthur that I was ready for visitors. As much as Arthur will never accept it, he worries when I'm not well. When I ask if he was worried about me, he'll say something along the lines of 'Oh course I wasn't. I just don't want to use one of these servants because it might seem rude' then I'll be left thinking 'yes, of course, that's the reason that you screamed like a girl when Morgana's men took me to find out a bit about you'. The prat.

"Merlin, your OK. Good, because I need you to polish my armor, sharpen my sword-"

"King Arthur, I will have a servant take care of that. Merlin will need rest before tonight's feast." Peter interrupts.

"Why? It's not like he'll actually do anything. He'll just stand there, doing nothing like always. He's completely useless like that." Arthur kept rambling. He must be blind, because my brother is looking at him as though he were my uncle, and dare I say, if looks could kill, Arthur wouldn't even stand a chance right now.

"King Arthur," My brother hissed. "Merlin is a guest here as much as you are. He will be eating at the feast will us." If Arthur could just pause that face so we can get someone to draw it, that would be great. His eyes are wide, his mouth hanging open, and his neck seems to have disappeared.

"What!?" He shouts.

"King Arthur, no shouting in here, there are people healing. Merlin is to join us at the feast, and that is final." Well, thank you, Peter.

"Thanks." I pipe in, and Arthur turns his gaze to me, whilst Peter just swallows a chuckle.

"May I talk to Merlin alone," Arthur asks calmly.

Peter nods and walks out, but I sense his magic by the door.

"Merlin, before you...well, fell, I asked you a question. Please answer it." He says politely. I have to swallow a snort and gulp.

" oh please just leave it. I honestly just tripped."

"Lying to the king is treason."

"What about lying to a clot pole?" I ask, only releasing that I just admitted to lying.

"So you are lying." So he isn't blind.

"Well...yes," I mumble, admitting defeat.

"So you'll tell me the truth?" Arthur questions.

"Not now...later, please." I look at him. He debates against himself.

"Fine." I smile.

"Wow. Your changing. Listening to me for once. You know, it I didn't know any better, I'd say you cared." I smirked.

"Good thing you know better, then, isn't it."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"But that wasn't...I was just saying that I didn't... Stop smirking." He hisses.

It's at this point that Peter re-enters.

"Alright, visit over. Merlin, get some rest." I smile and nod, resting my head on the soft pillow, letting sleep cover me.


Chapter is dedicated to @ginger11pondand @rakkertje9. Thank you for your comments, they mean a lot to me and I hope this chapter was good.

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