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'Thank you, Arthur. Had it not been for you and your men, Towerkuns would still be under Merek's rule.'

'Had it not been for you, and Camelot would still be at war with Morgana and magic.'

'So you have chosen to allow it.' I smiled.

'I've been meaning to for a while.'

'Oh, course you have.' I said.

'Stay safe Merlin. I'm not going to send a group of men to find you if you get lost whilst on a camp.'

'You know I'm not really clumsy, right?'

'Sure you're not.' Arthur smirked.

'I will have the dragons ensure your journey is safe. Also, I look forward to having a ball next summer in honour of our alliance.'

'As do I.'

'I also look forward to beating you at a sword fight.'

'Oh, you are on.' And with that, Arthur raced down the corridors toward's the training ground. I bolted after him.

Along the way, I got many head nods and bows, hello m'lords and good mornings.

A week later, Arthur, Gwen and the Camelot knights were leaving. I waved them off. As they disappeared into the distance, I turned and walked to my chambers. It felt as though I had never left the safety of my kingdom.

How weird it sounded. My kingdom. I was its king. Whilst it had taken some time to rebuild some homes and part of the castle, we were home. Everyone was glad for that. Once the last brick had been laid, I held a feast that spread right down to the centre of the lower town. Everyone could stuff their faces in the juicy meats, fresh bread, and mouth-watering soups. We were home, and nobody was bringing us down...ever.

Alright, done. Sloppy I know, but I have a lot of things to focus on right now, and not much time, so I wanted to get this finished now. 

But I hope you like it anyway.

Magic made prince - Merlin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now