Chapter five: Changes in many

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We all stood next to our horses. Rulf and John had their strong white orlov trotters side by side as they prepared to mount them. Arthur was already mounted on his brown stallion, whilst the knights of the round table were on their white, brown, and grey thoroughbreds. I stood next to my Wildfire, a beautiful black friesian horse. Her magnificent silky black coat shone in the dim morning light.

Gwaine kept looking at me, protectively, than when I turned to meet those gazes, he would turn as quickly as he could an focus on anything but me. Most times, that was his hands, and they seemed very interesting. I mean, I didn't blame him. He'd just fount out he was friends with a prince.

When we were all finally ready, I mounted Wildfire, and took my place behind Arthur. Gwen rode next to him, as she had somehow convinced Arthur to let her come with us. We rode out, sticking close together, Rulf and John on either side on me. We rode south, passing by little clearings and streams along the way. At midday, when the sun shone bright and the the ground ahead seemed to shake a bit, we stopped to refill our water skins and cool down. We all sat with our backs to the trees.

After about fifteen minutes of sitting there, Arthur, being the prat he is, yelled out, "Alright, lets go, we don't want to waste anymore time." So we all got on our horses and started riding again in the boiling heat.

Finally, the sky turns a deep orange with snips of pink and purple.

"We make camp here!" Arthur calls to the party.

We all slip off our horses, and set up the camp. I go off to collect fire wood, with much protest from my knights, Gwaine and Percival. So, after eventually convincing them that I'll be completely safe, whilst trying to ignore the glances the other Camelot knights are making, I set off in search of the wood needed to make it though a simple supper (one of which I would be making).

As I wondered through the forest, I couldn't help but think of what would happen if we did take back my kingdom. My destiny was in Camelot, protecting the prat. But if I was in Towerkuns, how was I to protect Arthur. Him being the dopplehead he is, I'll run into Morgana. The amount of times I've had to safe him is beyond countable, and I hardly think Arthur remembers how to actually stop an attack on Camelot.

With these thought in mind, I stumbled back to camp with the pile of logs in my arms. After tripping over a root in the ground, waiting for Arthur to stop calling me an idiot for it, and receiving a confused glance from Leon -I held many logs, of which I should not be strong enough to hold, I finally start cooking the stew from a rabbit -the poor soul- that we had killed -Arthur had killed- during the day.

By the time the stew was in the bowls, ready to be eaten, I was to tired and fuzzed about my destiny, that I laid on my bed roll, leaving the rest of the stew -meant for me- for whichever knight got greedy.

After resting my head on the bag of personal supplies I had taken with me for around ten minutes, I heard leaves rustling, which stopped by my head.

"Sire," John whispered, receiving a glare from myself. "Merlin, what's wrong?"

I had known John sense we were children, had trained together well before we were due to start. We had been like brothers, and no one could separate us. So I wasn't surprised when John asked that simple question. He did know me so well all those years ago.

"John, I have a destiny in Camelot. If I am in Towerkuns, how am I to complete that destiny?" My voice sounded like Arthur's, I knew that. Did it stop me from using it? Not even close tohtopping right now, but if the others heard, questions would asked.

"My prince" - a glare from me- "I believe you are destined to be a great king, but only when you choose to accept the responsibility that comes with it. When you are ready to take the thrown, you will know what must be done. And by then, you may have completed the task of Emrys, and the once and future king may be safe."

"How did you—"

"I went to find the druids, thinking you and your mother may have taken shelter there. They told me that I knew Emrys, the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth. It took me many years to figure out just what they had meant, and when I finally did, I was amazed." I was wide eyed. We could have taken shelter with the druids, and had we, I might already have my kingdom back.

"Well, now you know that, something of which I only found out after coming to Camelot."

"Sir John! Come and tell us some stories about your kingdom!" Arthur calls and I look away.


"John, go, I want to be alone now." He obeyed with a nod, walking away to the crackling fire.

I can hear the mumbles of the many knights from Camelot. Arthur had made sure to bring at least fifty, though, there was many more.

My eyes slid closed, my breathing becoming even and calm, my mind settling.

And sleep took me with warm hands, and laid me down, allowing the sweet dreams to circle me.

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