Chapter eleven: Let the feast begin

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 I woke in my chambers, the silk sheets pulled up to my chin. A small candle had been lit and rested on my desk. I'd stood up and walked over to light the rest of the candles when a knock came from my door.

"Sire, your brother has sent me to help you get ready." A small voice squeaked.

"Enter." A young boy, about 15 came in. He held a basket.

We chatted as he helped me to get into my old clothes that had been resized. Every time the soft fabrics touched my skin, I gasped, and it seemed as though I had been frozen in place. So many memories came from a simple touch.

Finally, after much struggle, I had shifted into my clothes and was putting my ceremonial sword in its sheath. The young boy, of which I had learnt was named Joe, held out my crown, which I placed on my head. The cold silver band felt right on my head. I looked in the long mirror as Joe tried my blue Towerkuns cape on. I looked like I used to. A single tear escaped my eye. Now, I was truly back.


Joe walked with me to a room near the feast room. Peter met me there. Joe was asked to leave and have tomorrow off.

"Are you ready?" I shook my head. My nerves were alight.

"M'lords, everyone is seated. The feast may begin." Peter nodded to the knight. I was too worried to tell the knight off for using my title.

"Merlin, it'll be alright. Just take a deep breath. I'll go in first, then the knights can come, and finally you." I nodded.

We left the room and stood outside the doors that led to the feast. Peter entered first, and I could hear his voice.

"People of Towerkuns, I'd like to announce the return of the heir." The Knights walked in, followed by me.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Arthur asked loudly. Everyone from Towerkuns snarled at him, and my knights unsheathed their swords.

"Have you no respect for the future king of the kingdom you are in?" One knight hissed.

"Sir Owen, I advise you to put away your sword. In fact, I advise you all to put away your swords." I said powerfully. I was greeted by shocked looks of the Camelot knights who did not know of my heritage.

"So you really are a prince," Arthur said quietly.

"Yes, Arthur. I would have told you, but it was too risky." I said looking down.

"But if you told us, we could have protected you, you wouldn't have needed to work as a servant." Arthurs' voice was confused, of so confused.

"I have magic, so you would have killed me." Was my response.

His face turned sour, as though he were only just realising it.

"But...the Witch hunter, he should have found you." I nodded my head.

"And he did, but Gaius covered for me." I paused. "I use magic to save you and Camelot."

"King Arthur, Merlin's magic is not evil, no one's is. Magic is a tool, like a knife. Is a blade good or evil? No! it's the wielded that chooses the use of its power." Peter said, standing next to me.

After a moment, Arthur looked up.

"You are never to enter Camelot again." He whispered. I bowed my head.

"Of course," I said, power remaining in my voice.

"King Arthur-" My brother was cut off.

"You heard our king!" One of the younger Camelot knights yelled, pulling out his sword. "And he has magic, so he must die." And the knight lunged for me.

My own knights drew their swords as did the rest of the Camelotians. The only ones to not fight were Gwaine, Percival, Mordred, Elyon, and Leon, who seemed confused as to who they should place their loyalty with.

"Stop!" I shouted, my voice orotund.

Everyone froze and looked at me. Arthur was gaping at the strength of my voice.

"We can not fight, not with Merek waiting for us to attack!" I turned to Arthur who was currently holding his sword to one of my own knight's stomachs, one I didn't recognise. "Arthur, you are free to leave Towerkuns if you wish. Any of your knights that wish to stay may do so, and I promise that none who are loyal to my family will harm them. I will ensure the passage of those who do go is safe. No one from Towerkuns will enter Camelot, Arthur, I give you my word."

Arthur's face was set. "I made a promise to myself to help this kingdom. Not all magic is bad, I believe that but for you to hide such a secret from me for years is unforgivable, and so as soon as this battle is done, our kingdoms are separated, and we are enemies." His tone was unforgiving, and I flinched when he called us enemies.

"I respect your wishes." I looked away.

Peter took a deep breath. "Should we eat? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm starving." I smiled at him, grateful for his distraction.

Slowly, everyone sat back down. People began to put food on their plates, but the tension never left. I had never been in a room so quiet before. It was almost cold and the hairs on my arms stood up.

My stomach was in knots, and my senses felt like an alarm going on and on. Something had to be going on, I wouldn't feel like this if everything was normal.

The windows shone as lightning strikes the sky and thunder rolls in the distance. The candles were blown out as the huge oak doors to the feast room were blown open. A young guard ran in chest heaving.

He gasped for air. How far had he run?

Then he whispered, "Morgana has sided with Merek. They make their way here as we speak."

Hi all, sorry for the wait guys.

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