Chapter two: The return of horror

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My royal seal was hidden underneath my royal blue tunic and my brilliant silver and blue sword were cloaked at my side using the magic that ran though my fingers. King prat was probably awake, and I was probably late...again. But today, I did not care. How could I? Seven long years sense my kingdoms fall and my anniversary. Twenty-one summers old. The pain I could feel had tears form in my eyes. I was the Prince of Towerkuns, and I allowed myself to be knocked out and taken away.

That day had started out so perfectly. The sun had been shining, the wind blowing gently, my brother had even woken early to wake me so our Knights couldn't trick one of the newer ones into doing it (I was not a morning people, and I could be quite dangerous). How had everything gone so utterly wrong? And why a day everyone celebrated, a day the kingdom loved. Yes, our defences had been low, but to fight your own blood on a day that you should be glad had come?

Yes, my uncle was ruthless in his methods and killed for the fun of it (What fun he found, I will never know).

As I turned the corners, I felt eyes boring into my neck. I was not surprised. I was usually a bubbly, goofy smiling, ray of light. But how could I be that now? Today of all days? After all, it got worse every year, every day, every hour, every minute.

I kept my head down, avoiding making eye contact with anyone. But of course, life had other ideas, and I soon stumbled on a problem. As I walked around the last corner before Arthur's chambers, I crashed into Leon.

"Sorry," I mumbled, still not looking up.

"Merlin, are you ok?" Worry laced his voice. I didn't want to look up, and yet I had to.

I blinked the tears from my eyes and looked up to the loyal knight. "Fine, just tired," I answered. At least it wasn't a complete lie. I hadn't managed to get any sleep last night, and exhaustion was making it hard to focus in on things.

"You sure?" The questioning tone to his voice told me he didn't buy the cheap excuse.

I nodded my head. "I'm sure." And that was the end of that conversation as I slipped to the side and moved around him to wake Arthur, who was, again, probably already awake.

"You're late." Was the first thing I heard as I walked into Arthur's chambers. He had sat at his desk, and was looking down at some papers...and he was already dressed.

How late was I?

I mumbled an apology and walked straight to make his bed.

"Are you feeling alright?" If another person asks me that again, I'm going to punch them. Pretending to be a servant or not.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just tired." I answered a little snappy. Arthur just looked at me, searching for the answers I would not -could not- give him.

After about a minutes pause, Arthur looks back to his papers. "I'd like my breakfast." I nod, though his not looking, and walk to the kitchen to get Arthur's breakfast.


Arthur was training with some of the new knights. The new knights were putting all they had into the rough fight, whilst Arthur eased for the most of it. The new knights had some really good moves, but nothing Arthur hadn't seen before.

Eric, one of the new knights swung his sword for Arthur's stomach, and before Arthur could get his sword up to block it, the younger Knight had switch course for the prats legs. Arthur fell, but Eric would be in more pain then Arthur tomorrow. He had pulled off a great move, but the angle of his swing was off, therefore making himself work harder for the swing.

A servant race onto the training field, bowing low to Arthur when he had finally gotten his face out of the mud.

"Knights in Blue have just entered Camelot, m'lord." He said, still in that low bow of his.

Arthur nodded his head and dismissed the servant, and then came up to me.

"Merlin, get Leon, Gwaine, Elyon, Mordred and Percival." I nodded and rushed off the find the most trusted of Camelot knights.

When I finally found them (They were scattered all over the castle, except Gwaine, who had a large cup of ale in his hand, and a dozen other on the table he was sitting at.) we all raced to find Arthur, who was waiting on the steps in the large courtyard.

"What took you so long, Merlin?" He asked, and in that annoying prat voice, he always had.

"Do you know how big this castle is?" I snapped back.

He opened his mouth to retaliate, but before he could, the sound of racing horses hooves echoed around the tall towers of the castle.

I looked to see who the knights were. My eyes widened. My heart stopped. I could not believe my eyes. But what happened? Let's just say my breath got lost in my throat.

So this chapter is dedicated to clotpolemerlin. In my last chapter, I got a really great comment, and I was so touched because I don't get many comments. 

This is directly written to clotpolemerlin. Thank you so much. I've taken your advice to account. It might take a while for my chapters to get longer, but I promise, I will try. I've dedicated this chapter to you because your comment may have been a small thing to many, but to me,  it was way more. 

Now back to all readers. Please comment, give me suggestions, tell me what you like about what your read. If you see any Merlin stories you like, suggest them. And hey, I might dedicate a chapter to you.

I just wanted to add, that Mordred is still loyal to Arthur.

Thanks so much for reading, and if you like the book, comment and vote.

(Partly Edited)

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