Vital Information

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14. Vital Information

Song wasn’t a fighter. Sure, he could shape shift in to a lion or a big and powerful animal of any kind and he could rip several Agents apart without a large amount of effort exerted. But the smell of blood, or even the sight of it, normally sent him running. Plus, and he wasn’t afraid to admit it, he was a coward.

“Mr. Wind?”

Song turned to face the boy standing behind him, eagerly at the edge of his proverbial seat with anticipation. The boy was a part of a small covert squad that Song had set up and was actually the head of. He wasn’t sure why the boy was addressing him so formally, but he figured it probably was of little importance. “Yes?”

The boy, with a smile on his face, gave Song a list of information about those who have died or are wounded thus far and then he said, “But we found something I think Fiore will want to know.”

Song, intrigued, raised an eyebrow and said, “Oh? And what would that be?”

The boy, with his small, fragile body, stepped forward and whispered, “We’ve received some information that has led us to believe that one Blake Oceans. She’s supposedly very much alive and resting within the confinements of the nearest Agency building.”

Song’s mouth hung open and his eyes widened in complete and under awe. So he had been right after all.

Then his mind immediately shifted to Vaan. He spun around, without giving a formal response to the other boy, and ran over to another student with a pair of binoculars. He snatched them from the girls hands and looked through, desperately searching for his best friend. If Blake was out there, and he wasn’t getting fed absolute bull, he had to find Vaan and they had to find Blake.


He spotted Vaan, just standing there in a small clearing, surrounded by fighting. He was just standing there and Song found that very peculiar, but decided that it was another of the many things of little importance that he would surely figure out later.

He handed the binoculars back to the girl and she angrily took them from his hands and waited for him to walk off before she peered through them one more.

Song ran out on to the field in the general direction of where he had last seen Vaan, and he shifted in to a cheetah. His claws dug in to the blood stained dirt and he kicked up grass as he went, and there was no time to stop and fight.

He found Vaan in the exact same spot, still just standing there. “Vaan!” He hissed through his cat fangs, and then he shifted back in to his human form.

Vaan turned around slowly and glared at Song. “What?” He snapped, though he hadn’t meant to come off so rude.

Ignoring Vaan’s attitude, like he normally did, Song folded his arms across his chest and said, “I don’t know what your problem is exactly, but I would like to remind you of a promise you made with me two days ago.”

Vaan’s shoulders relaxed and he tilted his head to the side in curiosity, but he had a sneaking suspicion he wasn’t going to like what he was about to hear. His immediate thought was that Blake was dead, and it was official.

“We found her. Sort of,” Song said, and before he could say anything else Vaan dropped his sword and his shield and grabbed Song by the shoulders and intensely asked, “Where?! WHERE?”

Song grinned. “Follow me.” He shifted into a rhino and stampeded his way through the crowds, and Vaan followed behind at a fast pace.

When they had escaped the crowds of people fighting and were hidden by trees, Song shifted into a horse and told Vaan, “Hop on.” He galloped the rest of the way to the nearest Agency building and then he shifted back in to a human.

It was happening so fast, and before he knew it Vaan was crashing through the glass doors and shooting flames at a newly employed front desk lady, and then running up a flight of stairs.

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