(A/N: this is about my absolute love of writing and my refusal, though at times I am tempted, to concede to what will get me ranked, rather than what makes me .... well me)
i'm embarrassed to admit
that sometimes I get a little amiss
i try so very hard
to be an influential bard
but it seems that i get lost
and i guess that is the cost
when you write the way i do
people tend to scoot by you
i know that i write too much
and some of it is shit and such
but, really, should i try and contrive
hide and repress, what is inside
let the words and emotions build
watch as my inspiration is killed
or maybe i should just write the poem
the one that takes everyone home
spend days and weeks and months and years
perfecting the words, oiling creative gears
until i unveil my masterpiece
the undisputed golden fleece
but then, what if no one cares
what if all the wisdom i shared
falls like a tree in the forest
and i fail as a literary florist
so you can see my conundrum
its an emotion dungeon
so what is this old Poet to do
to be recognized by you and you
nothing ... i will never change
never play the game
concede even a small part of myself
put my convictions on the shelf
i would rather write in obscurity
then surrender to my insecurities
so, while others write in quality, fine
i will write in quantity, sublime
because for me to surrender so
would be to lose my creative soul