New School, Not So New Life

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(pic is of Emmy)

                                                                   CHAPTER 1

"But Emmy you cant go!!! I'll miss you too much!" She was my best friend since kindergarten, her name is Sophie.

"I'm sorry Soph, I have to. Don't worry I will keep our mind link open for the pack when I'm in wolf form," I told her... If you are wondering, yes, I'm a werewolf and so is my whole family and town.

I'm Emily Ferrari, I have golden blond hair, I have a nice tan and I'm 16. I have 2 brothers, Harold who I call hairy Harold, is 18, and my favourite little Leo who is 2. I also have a little sister Lilly, she is Leos twin sister. I have adorable siblings except Harold.

The reason we have to move is because my mom said and I quote, 'we need a change'! Like really? I have to leave my best friend!

I look her in the eye, "I promise I will text, write, and call you all the time to update you on the progress. But you have to promise me to NOT go near where I'm moving to its very dangerous!" All Soph does is nod and help me pack for the long trip to Quebec.

------------------------------------------------------2 hours later---------------------------------------------------------------

"WOW!! You have a shit load of clothes!!" Complained Soph and Harold. They turn and give each other a kiss.

"OH GET A ROOM!!" I screeched they turn to and burst out laughing. It sucks that my best friend is my brothers mate, fuck my life!!!! "Now that you two are done sucking off each others face lets get going." I turn and grab my bags. As soon as I get to the moving van my best guy friend Jason runs up to me.

"DUDETTE GUESS WHAT..." I was thinking when he burst, "I FOUND MY MATE!!!!!" I looked at him in surprise.

"Really?! Congrats dude!" I give him a hug and look at him, "whats her name??"

"Her name is Quinn. She is so hot!" I laugh at him.

"Well I've gotta go but see you later, maybe in a year?" I say my good byes to all my friends and get in the truck. I wave good-bye to everyone, and turned to mom, " hey mom how long till we hit Quebec, I wanna know if I can take a long nap."

My mom turns and says, " go right ahead its going to be about 14 hours." With that I fell asleep.


I was swimming when this guy came up to me, he had sparkling grey eye brown slick hair he looked at me and smiled, "hi my name is, Lycan." I look at him with a pissed off glare.

"Screw off idiot, I'm trying to swim!" I started to hear people saying my name.




*****************************************END OF DREAM*********************************************

Next thing I knew freezing water was dumped on and I was soaked, so I do what all girls naturally do... scream,"YOU FUCKING IDIOTS WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?!?" My mom gave him a disapproving stare. It was dark out so I presumed it was early in the morning

"Emily Ferrari, Watch your language!" my dad says while my brother sneaks off, "OH NO!!! HAROLD GET OVER HERE NOW!! Emmy go get cleaned up."

I gave my brother an evil smirk and walked into my gran's old house. Carrying my bags I pick out my room, the second biggest guest room. Mom and dad get the biggest, while my evil brother gets the smallest....SUCKER!!! I start to unpack when my mom comes in and hugs my soaked body, "honey you need to get ready you have school this morning" she waits for my reaction but I just nods so she continues, "this is a normal school so try to make yourself act more human...please.

"Mom dont worry I will, so there are NO wolves in this area???" She nods and walks away and I mutter, "so much for our daily school run" I sigh saddly. I continue putting my stuff away, then I take a long shower and get ready for school. I do my hair, my make-up, finally I put on my fave skinny jeans and white tank top with a scratched aqua blue shirt on top.  I run down stairs and grab my bag and stuff.

"Have a good day sweety." My mom and dad say.

"Thanks mom and dad." I turn to walk out when my dad yells

"Emmy her take the keys for the yellow Ferrari!" I catch the keys with ease and run to the Ferrari, the car is named after my ancestors, the Ferrari's.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-AT SCHOOL-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

"Who the hell is she?" "Why the hell is she looking at us?" "She is just a dirty S.L.U-" I run over to a girl and grab her by the collar of her shirt.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?" She looked at me with an evil grin... she smells of... vampire. I smirk and whisper in her ear so only she and the other vampires can hear, "Hey vampy" She shook her head in shock!

"W-H-W-HOW DO YOU KNOW?!?!" She whisper screamed

"You smell of them" With that I dropped her and walked to the school only to get pushed out of the way by an asshole. I look at him in disgust and shove him down. Now all I hear is people gasp and whisper stuff like, 'oh shit she is strong', or 'is she another she cant be she is new and doesnt smell of one.' I smirked at the last one then knelt down to the guy on the ground and whisper, "touch me again you will have a broken arm." I walk away when the guy gets up.

He yells, "YOU BITCH HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SO DAMN STRONG!?!?!" I turned and look at him.

"What a girl can defend herself, be strong?" I yelled at him, "NOW!! If you dont mind I'm leaving you assholes."

I go into the school only to be acedently bumped into by a girl and she looks at me scared and stutters, "I-I-I'm sorry."

I look at her and tell her, "dont worry it was an acedent... hey wanna hang with me?" She looks at me wide eyes.

"SURE!!" I smile at her.

"We need to get to the office i need my paperwork and books." I told her, "wait whats your name?" She looks down.

"Abrielle. I get made fun of because I dont live up to what it means." I smile at her

"Hey don't worry." we arrived at the office.

"I should go.. Dont wanna bring you down on the social ladder" she smiled weakly.

"No I want to be your friend Abrielle" I smiled strongly at her. Just then she get pushed to the ground by some idiot jocks comming to me, as I pick her up I yell at them, "DON'T YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING RESPECT FOR PEOPLE?!?! YOU KNOW WHAT SCREW OFF BEFORE I RIP YOUR-" I cut myself off because some people here are not vampires.

He smirked, "my big head how many times i have heard that-" Everyone was gone except me and the jerk so I cut him off and said kinda calmly.

"Before I rip your smart ass vampire head off",he looks shocked and I gather my stuff and walk away. He runs up to me and grabs my arm before quicly retriving it, "I'm christian idiot" (no offence to christian people out there) Then walk away.

Semi- edited :) If anyone wants to edit it for me it would be EPIC!! -Sweetest dreams

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