Chapter 5

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I dropped Lycan off at his house and headed home. I was driving in the country when gun shots went off. I swerved to dodge the bullets only to hit a tree, I was getting out when something hit me over the head and i was knocked unconscious.

#Lycan's Pov#

I watched Emily leave, I went in the house and jumped onto the sofa. I was flicking through the channels when my best friend Josh walked in worried.

"Uh Lycan, we have a problem!" I eyed him suspiciously when he said, "Emilys been kidnapped!" My jaw dropped. I started to growl, my dad appeared and Josh said the same thing, "sir we have a problem! Emilys been kidnapped!!" My dad's eyes widdened and set off to work on finding her.\

@Emily's Pov@

I kept my eyes closed though i can see everything perfectly clear. Keeping my breathing deep to make me sound passed out i looked around. I saw two men, one looked very scarred and the other very confident. I decided to look in the scarred one's mind,'oh shit oh shit!! Lets hope i dont piss myself!' Can i say ewww or what?! Then i peek into the not so nervous one's mind, 'HA Im going to show Mr. Keeps this girl then she will be questioned on what her pack is planning!' With that i left his mind and looked around again.

I was in an armoured car, the windows were covered. Im guessing so i cant get out. Sighing in my head i used my witch powers to knock the guy that was confident out. The car swerved and the nevous guy swore loudly, "SHIT!! OH NO!! I HOPE SHE IS STILL PASSED OUT!!" I almost laughed at that.

"Well im not!" I opened my eyes and knocked him out also. looking around i recconised this location. I herd a laugh and i was knocked out cold.

I wake up in a cell with people outside of it, they are talking abot a girl in a cage... OH WAIT thats me! I smirk, i have an idea! "Uh where am i?" I ask, i know where i am... i just wanna mess with them. "And who am i? And who are you?" They looked at eachother nevously.

"Uh you are Emily, you are a werewolf, witch, and an angel. We have captu-" The fat guy was talking when the other cut him off.

"SHUT UP!! Dont try anything missy because if you use your abilitys you will get hurt!" I smirked when he said that, "what are you smiling about?"

I burst out laughing, "is this just a sick joke? BUHAHAHAHAH!!! You guys are very funny, NOW im hungry!!" I must have used my siren call by accedent, because a bunch of people came to my door with food. "Uhhhhhhh!"

"Ok then lets just give you thi-"

"NO I WANT THE COOKIES!!!" I blurt, the guy nods and slips the cookies in. I smell them and they smell like poison, "THESE ARE POISONUS!! I WANT COOKIES THAT WONT MAKE ME PUKE!!!!" I said, "yummy i can just taste them now. Hey i have an idea how about you take off my helmet thingy and let me make them with my magic!" I said the last part to the guy spacificly, i used my siren call too.

"Yes ma'am!" He called some of the guys just looked at one annother.

"Hey guys can you do me a favour? Can you get all the people into one room but leave your boss in his room? I have to tell you guys something!" I told all the others.

The one guy takes off my helmet thing and asks, "can you make bannana cookies?"

"FORSURE!!! THEY'RE MY FAVE!!" I use my powers and make the cookies, "hey want one?"

He nods, "thanks i love the-" he was cut off by putting a cookie in his mouth then passing out.

"Good" I survay my surroundings and walk out to see a guy standing there I use my siren call, "hey can you take me to where all the guys are, i really wanna talk to them!"

He nods and leads me to this court yard thingy, "here we are miss." OH NO!!! Why am i worried you might ask, its because he is not under my spell! I lift him up and pull out his earplugs.

"Follow my orders!" I say in my siren voise and pull out everyone earplugs, "I am going to escape and you are going to help me!" They all nodded, so we spent an hour talking tactics. Whats gonna happen is:

A girl is going to get me keys to a car. I am in California right now, so im going to drive to the nearest church. The church people believe in angels so im gonna show them my wings. Hopefully they will lend me money. I then will go to a payphone and call my parents. Then everything will fall into place!

It all worked, up to the church.

"Get away from us you demon child!!" screamed the prestest, sighing i try to convince them.

"Ok you all want to go to heaven right?" They nod, "im related to god. So i can get him to send you to hell. Got that? So can you please help me home?" They seem to ponder this.

A childs voice from behind me speaks, "I will help you miss!" I turn to her and hug her.

"You know what?"

"What?" she replies.

"When you go to heaven, you can have as much cand as you want!" She gasps and hugs me.

"Here take it, my mom said i can have this much every week so i want you to have it!" She holds out two $50 bills and gives them to me.

I gasp, "thank you so much! Whats your name?"

"Its Alicia Walters, im 5. I hope you have good luck on your trip!" I give her one last hug and run to the entrance.


I run to the nearest phone booth and dial my parents number. "Hello?" I herd my sleepy brother say.

"HAROLD!!! I WAS KIDNAPPED!!! CAN YOU GET MOM!?!" I all buy yelled at him.

I guess that woke him up, "where are you?! Hold on" I hear him in the distance on the phone. "Mom its Emily!! I know she went missing this is her!!" I hear mom get the phone.

"Emily is that you?" She asked doubtful.

"MOM!! I miss you!! Help me i only have $98.50 left and im in California!!!" I hear my mom gasp.

"HONEY!!! Wait do you still have your credit card in your shoe?" She asked.

I lift my shoe and grab my card, "yeah!"

"Ok honey i put, $10,000 on that card every year since you were born. That should be enough to get you home!"

Holy shit!! I have $160,000 to spend. I smirk, "mom can a do some shopping first?" She sighs.

"Yes but be careful!"


"Bye honey!"

I hang up. OH.MY.GOD, WAIT GOSH. Sorry great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandpa!

I got about 15 t-shirts, 15 long sleeved shirts, 20 shorts, 25 jeans, 10 pairs of yoga pants, 13 new sweaters, and a new phone. I text Lycan's cell number.


"Dude, Raphilel, i know its you!" Oh his friend must be teasing him!

"No Lycan i seriously am coming home now!" I 'acadently' bought a personal jet. I was on my way home!

"Emily is that really you?"

"Lycan would i lie to you, call this number and ill prove it"

The phone rung and i smirked. I snaped my fingers and he was in the jet "SHIT!! DONT DO THAT SHIT!!!" He yell acadently, he covered his mouth then hugged me. "I missed you!!"

"YEAH!! That reaction just screamed 'I missed you'"

"HAHA very funny, now where are we?"

I laughed and told him, "in Cali!" He looked at the bags, and his eyes widdened, "oh and by the way... i own the plane!"

"I hope you got me something!" He laughed.

"Actually i did." I pulled out a bag and gave him a box that said 'CONDOMS', his face dropped. "OPEN IT!!" He opened it and pulled out a guy 's pair of sunglasses, "i put a spell on them so they cant break. I did that because they were $150!! I hope you like them!"

"I LOVE them!" I pulled him close and kissed him.

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