Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to In memory of gramma eileen!


Emily's POV

The plane ride took forever, although we did play a bunch of games... NO NOT IN THAT WAY!!! We talked and i told him why i was avoiding him... he actually took it very well. Not that i blame him but i think someone told him. When we got home i bombarded with hugs and kisses, (only from family... and Abrielle) I heard Lycan growl as my brother came up gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

"I missed you baby girl!" He acted like he really missed me...

"I missed you too harold." I say and run to Lycan so he can meet my parents. "Mom, dad, this is Lycan... my mat-" Im cut off by a girl screeching and running for Lycan.

"I MISSED YOU BABE!!!" She screeched as she kissed him, he stood there shocked as i growled at her... "who are you?" She is another wolf.

My blood starts to broil as she pulls him away from me... "GET YOUR MANGEY, MUTTY, PAWS AWAY FROM HIM!!!" I screamed at her, and she stared at me in shock, "WHAT DIDNT KNOW I WAS A WOLF YOU BITCH?!?!" I screamed at her.

"HES NOT YOUR MATE SO WHY SHOULD I?!?!" She yelled at me...

I started to shake and she stood there terified, "HE! IS! MY! MATE! YOU! LITTLE! WHORE!" I screamed at her then shifted and ran to the forest.

Lycans POV

This girl came up to me and kissed me, honestly, it was discusting... I stood there shocked as the two girls fought! Not even a few minutes later i saw Emily shift and run into the forest.

"WOW!!!" This chick exhailed... "Lycan, can we go, she scares me..."

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" I yelled at her.

"Im the one your parents aranged to marry, because im your mate..." She started.

"IM NOT YOUR MATE!!!" I yelled as i also shifted and ran to the forest. THE NERVES OF SOME PEOPLE!!! Im running in the direction the Emmy came... her scent is very strong... were heading to the... BEACH!! SHIT!!!

'Dude where are you?' Josh asked in my head.

'GET EMMYS MOM AND DAD!!! SHES HEADING TO THE BEACH!!!' I yelled at him in my mind

'Whats so bad about th-'

I cut him off, 'JUST GET THEM ILL TELL YOU LATER!!!' I yelled as i felt him transforming... good... I ran to the water so fast that humans cant see me. Underwater i transformed into a human and looked around for Emmy.

Emmy's Mom's POV (Cleo)

We were talking to the woman that claims to be Lycans mate... I know they arnt. I see this young boy i think his names John, no, Jake, no Josh! Thats it...

"Mr. and Mrs. Ferrari Lycan wants you... he said Emilys heading to the bea-"

"SHIT!!!" My husband screams, "I'll get to the beach and swim after her... you should tell everyone who we are, and what we are!" He ran off.

Marcus' POV (Emmy's dad)

I run as fast as my legs can take me, i arrive at the beach and jump in the water and my legs shift into a tail and my lungs shift so i can breathe underwater. I use my echolocation to find Emmy. It hard to tell when i found her if she was crying or not... but her eyes were red and swollen. Us sirens can actually talk clearly underwater, its very usefull. I look at Emmy "Honey! Dont worry, he actually yelled at that chick for you!" I swam over and gave her a hug...

"Dad, who is she?" She asked through sobs.

"She lied to Lycans parents saying she was his mate but he doesnt know..." I told her, "honey i think its best if we go back to shore your mom and everyone is waiting!" I say to kinda cheer her up, "OH and honey, everyone knows out little secret my little siren-witch-angel-wolf" She giggles a bit.

"Okay dad..."


Wow its good to know that he yelled at her too, though i wish i could rip off her head. I am one jellous mate! At least I got some time to think... I realized that if our packs merge then we would be bigger and stronger. If anything I'm glad that I was captured. I had lots of time to think. My love for Lycan will have no end in my mind. I look up from my thoughts as we arrive at the park, where everyone is. "Do they know what I am, all of it?" I ask my dad.

Your mom told them. I hope she told them everything!" He said and I saw what he was staring at.

...Its a microphone...

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