Chapter 4

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(pic of harold)

----------------------------------------------------Lycan's POV-------------------------------------------------

You know how it feels when the one person you love the most, dies or rejects you? Emily, my mate, she is avoiding me! Why? I honestly dont know, all i know is shes... different.... in a good way though.

Today she was at my house, my sister just changed. She told my father she had to go, i know why. I was there! Her and her parents went for a run, and boy are they strong! I look at her wolf, on her shoulder blade is a pair of grey wings, a tail, and a wand with a.... oh boy, a crown? NO,NO,NO,NO,NO!!! This is why she is avoiding me, she is a royal. I still dont get the wings though, why are there wings on her and her mom. Her dad doesnt have them he has a, tail and a wand? WHAT THE HELL?!? Ok i feel like i need to see her so i can ask what those symbols mean.

I followed her home and wrote a note to her it said: 'My darling, why do you run? Is something wrong? I know you dont know who i am, im your mate, Lycan.  P.S. Roses are red, Violets are blue, I love you why dont you love me too?  Sincerly your lovable mate, Lycan.' I bought a charm bracelet with a single charm on it, a heart. I put it in her room when she was taking a shower. I hope she likes it, i wonder what my sister is gonna be like when she finds out im her bestfriends mate.

"LYCAN!!! GET OUT OF THE SHOWER!!!!" Screamed my sister, she changed back into a human a few minutes ago. Her wolf was the same as mine, a raven colour with a grey crown.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I walk to my room and get my clothes on and i run to my dad, he sould know what they mean.

"Hey dad!" He nods and i rub the back of my neck, "what does it mean when you have like symbols on your wolf form?"

He looks at me, "it means what the major species are in your gene pool, why?"

"Uh um i know someone who has symbols on their wolf form."

"What kind of symbols?"

"She had wings, a tail, a wand, and a crown. I know the crown stands for royal."

He looks at me kind of weirdly, "son, that girl you are talking about, is the girl in the prophacy!" He continues, "is she a white wolf?" I nod. "Oh shit! Is she your... mate?"

I look down, "yes, she is."

"Son you need to talk to her soon! Her life is in danger, the vampires will stop at nothing to kill her!"

"Wait what do the symbols mean though!?"

"You ask her." Was his answer.

----------------------------------------------------------Emily's POV----------------------------------------------------------

I glance at the clock, it says 3:28. REALLY WHO WAKES SOMEONE UP AT 3:28 IN THE MORNING?!?!? I walk over to the window and open it.

"Emily dont run please just let me talk." He jumps into my room, then i notice the scent, it Lycan! Oh no!! I nod my head and he continues, "I love you Emmy, I know your a royal. Its just a minor set back. I came here to ask you a question, what are you?"

Oh no!! Hes gonna think in a freak if i tell him! "Im a wolf." Was my short answer.

He shakes his head, "i know your not full wolf Emmy, what else are you?"

I sigh, "i dont want to talk about it now, how about we go to the beach today at 12:30 ok?"

He smiles, "its a date! I'll bring some food!"

"Ok just remember your swim suit!" He nods and jumps out the window... NOOOO!! My life is fucked now!! My mate is going to think im a freak and reject me!

I lay in my bed and quickly fall asleep.


"EMILY YOUR A FREAK, AN UGLY STUPID FREAK!!" He screamed, I start running away.

I hear someone yell in the distance,



My eyes open and i get up, only to hit my stupid brother in the head, "WHY DO YOU DO THAT!?!?" I screamed

Harold laughs then says, "your incharge of the kids untill 3 tod-"

I cut him off, "i cant i have a date with my mate!" He looks surprizes and when i see the clock, i bolt out of bed, i only have 10 minutes before i head to the beach. I grab my yellow swimsuit and put it on, over top of it i put on short shorts, and a white tank top. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and run down stairs. "MOM!!! I cant take after the twins, i have a date!"

"Ok honey, ill get harold to take after them." I nod and run to the Farrari, I slip on my flipflops and drive to the beach. I see Lycan and park my car, i hop out and run to him.

"Hey!" I said excited.

"Hey Emmy!" He replied, I looked around to see no one here.

"Ok lets go to the board walk to jump off." So we started walking. When we got there i slipped of my shorts and tanktop, "ok brace yourself!" Looking around my angel wings sprout and i fly high, "Ready?" I yelled.

"YEAH!!" He shouted back. With that my wings dissapeared and was diving into the water. My tail took my legs place.

"Come in the water!! Its awesome!" He jumped in and opened his eyes underwater to see my tail.

He come up, "WOAH!! COOL!!" I smirked.

"Thats not all, cover your ears!" I did my siren call and some dolfins came. I pulled his hands off his ears. "arnt they beautiful?"

"Not as beautiful as you!" He replied

"Here lets get out so i can show you something!" He carries me out of the water and puts me on a towel. I use my powers to dry off my tail. "Ive been working on something!" I told him, I lift my hands up in the air and fireworks come out.

"You are amazing Emmy! Hey ive got you a new charm." I hold out my charm bracelette and he hooks a wolf with a crown on its head on my bracelette.

"AWWW I LOVE IT!!!" I gushed.

"I was hopeing you would." He smiled then leaned in. When his lips touched mine, fireworks went off literaly, there was a heart one too!

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