Chapter 12

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Some may be confused, the reason that Emily's parents are Nessa's soul parents is because they are almost the same person. Nessa's mom didn't give birth to Nessa, god gave Nessa to her when Nessa was a new born. So Nessa's parents could be called her adoptive parents or something along those lines. Nessa is reincarnation of Emily, so she remembers everything

Garret's POV

"Wait! Why wasn't I told there was going to be an epicly huge family reunion!?" Prince Harold demanded pulling my mate into a large hug. "I've missed you so much Emily!"

"Erm, Harold, I go by Nessa now. Great grandpa brought me back as a Were-Angel." Nessa, my gorgeous mate, murmured to her soul brother

"Nessa? That name suits you better." Prince Harold said smiling. "So how have the years treated you? Me? I've been thinking... about how you died..." He trailed off looking at my Nessa. "Lycan came by and said that you over used your powers and said you collapsed on the ground not moving."

A feral growl ripped from her throat at the mention of HIS name. "Don't speak of that bastard in my presence EVER again!" She shouted. "HE is the douche that killed me! I walked in right when that fucking ass-hole marked HER!" I put my hand on her shoulder and she visable relaxed.

"What do you mean he marked HER?" Asked the King.

"He. Fucking. Marked. Lynn. That. Mother. Fucking. Bitch. She. Used. Her. Damn. Powers!" She spit out.

"Calm down Nessa, you don't need to think about them." I whispered in her ear. Shee turned around and clung to my shirt. She put her head in the crook of my neck and started to sob. "Shh, its ok." I whispered.

"Garret, are you our daughters new mate?" Cleo asked.

"Yes, my queen." I reply.

"Don't break her heart, or we will break you." Princess Lilly butt in.

"Lilly, you were two, you barely knew Emily and your thretening our top guard?" Prince Harold chuckled, "I knew her my whole life. But what Lilly standss true, we will break you." He said turning to me.

"I swear I would never, ever, break someone's heart especially a Royal's." I said looking at Nessa lovingly.

"You damn well better not." Growled her dad, "we lost her once we won't loose her again!"

"Calm down dad-" Nessa started but a bright light cut her off. The light stayed for a minute or two before it faded. Where Nessa stood, there was Princess Emily wearing a golden gown. "Woah! What happened?" She asked.

"I think since your her reincarnation, you morphed into what your ment to look like?" Her mom sugested.

Emily/ Nessa smiled. "Well what should we call you?" Asked her brother.

"I think I like Nessa more than Emily... I wanna be called Nessa." She said smiling even more. She ran and hugged her mom. "I need to talk with Lycan and Lynn." She states with a some-what evil glint in her eyes.

"I'll call them in, they'll probably be here tomorrow. Try and get some rest." Her mom requested.

"Ok... night, wait is my room still as I left it?" She asked.

Her dad nodded, "the maids were ordered to leave it, they did clean it every month though." Her mom smiled at her as she left the room.

I followed quickly behind her. "Nessy do you want me there when you talk to them?" I ask her

"Nessy?" She asks giggling. "Please can you stay with me, everywhere I go." She begs grabbing my hand and pulling me to her room. "Promise me me you will mate me on my 17th birthday." She whispered laying on the bed next to me.

"I promise." I whispered before we fell into darkness together.

Nessa's POV

Yesterday was amazing! But today is going to be even better.

I grab Garret's hand and pull him to the living room where the two worst people sat. Today I was wearing a thin green dress that flowed past my feet. My hip long brown hair flowing as we walk in their heads snap to where we are.

"E-Emily?" Lycan stuttered.

"I don't want an explanation from you! I saw it happen. You yourself did it!" I growled. "And I want to tell you, Lynn has been sentenced to death because of what she did." The strength and power in my voice surprised me.

"You can't do that!" They shouted at the same time.

"Actually I can. Lynn used her siren call to make you mark her Lycan. I actually died." Garret growled at the two. "Calm down honey. Technically Lynn killed a royal, so it is an automatic death sentence."

"THERES NO PROOF!" Lynn shouted.

"There sure is fucking proof you cunt little bitch! I an Emily's REINCARNATION! I have all her memories. Up. Until. My. Last. Breath." I growled out.

"Well it looks like you've already moved on! Knowing I will never, ever, care about you again you slut." Lycan growled at me. I was about to lunge at his throat when Garret grabbed me.


"How about you put them into missery by shooting the gun." Garret offered.

"Look who got herself a different fuck toy!" Lynn said before lunging. I shoved off Garret before punching her right across the face making her fall back and cratle her nose.

"Get me the fucking gun. Guards take these bastards down to the exacution room." I growled out. Instantly there were 6 guards in the room dragging a struggling Lycan and Lynn out of the room. A young maid came in with a silver gun. "Thank you." I whispered before following the guards out of the room. "Please stay here Garret." I said my voice strained with anger. He nodded and sat on one of the couched. We continued down the stairs until we came to the exacution room. "Lynn first." I growled. The guards dragged her in while the other guards held Lycan in his place. An evil smirk came onto my face. "You know, your sooooooo going to be tourtured by my great uncle. But I'm going to play first." I growled shooting her legs making her screams as the bullet covered in wolfsbane dug deeper into her flesh. The wolfsbane is a herb that can kill a werewolf very slowly and painfully if injected or eaten. I shot the other bullets into her feet hands and arms. The last bullet was shot into the middle of her forehead. Killing her. A pained scream came from the other room. Lycan was brought in. He was clearly crying.

"Please Emily, I still love you, please let me make it up to you." He begged.

I played along, "I love you too Lycan. BUT YOU FUCKED IT UP BY MATING THAT WHORE!" I shouted in the end. The maid brought me one more bullet. "Have fun in Hell." I said before shooting the gun at his heart. They were gone. They are gone. I'm happy now. I ran up the stairs and ran into Garrets open arms. "I love you Garret. I will until the day I die." I whispered.

"I love you Nessy. I will until the day I die." He repeted. "Now I have one question. I know we're only young, but... will you marry me?" He asks pulling out a ring with a diamond heart in the center.

"Oh my gosh!!! YES OF COURSE!!!" I say giving him a huge kiss.

HEY GUYS! Hope you enjoyed! I know its a bit early but I really need to finnish it. Im hoping on you guys to answer about the series questions and stuff.

You know, I loves ya!







C ya guys later!

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