Pretending to be tagged

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Okay, My brother forced me to write 13 facts about myself on here or else he will torture me.

I told him I don't want to and I asked him why. His response was:

Because I want you to.

He told me I don't have to tag other people. Or post myself singing. I actually lost my singing voice yesterday. So yeah.

Here are 13 facts about me.

1: I don't like Dipper x Reader stuff

The reason why is that it doesn't seem right. Sorry. I prefer Dipper x Pacifica books. The Dipper x reader stuff makes me feel weird. Sure Dipper Gleeful is hot, but that means Reverse Dipper x Reverse Pacifica won't be cannoned! *tears*

2: I think Natsu(fairy tail), Rokuro(twin star exorcists), Karma(Assassination Classroom), Dipper Gleeful(Reverse Falls), Bill Cipher(Gravity Falls), and Will Cipher(Reverse Falls) are hot.

This is true. I mean who hates these faces.

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3: I don't have a boyfriend(I'm a girl)

I'm single and I want a boyfriend. I feel like I'm lonely and I need to be safe with him. I want to be happy. Like my friend. She has one and when she was crying, her boyfriend, hugged her and comforted her. He told her that it's okay and to cheer up. It happened right in front of me.

4: I'm American, Filipino, Scottish, British, Irish, French, part Chinese, Native American, and so much more.

My friends call me everything. They say,"You're everything."

5: I really like the color blue

6: 私はオタクです. (I am an o-t-a-k-u) sorry I had to use -. Pretend it's not there. I had to use - because if I don't, it will change to おたく/オタク.

7: アニメは人生であります!!! (Anime is life!!!) I think this.

Anime haters, just go away.

8: Here are my wallpapers.

Lock Screen

Lock Screen

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Home Screen

9: I hate Glitter

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9: I hate Glitter

10: I love unicorns

11: I'm going to get braces

12: I hate the ship Nali.

Nali(Natsu x Lisanna) is a bad ship in my opinion. I hate it. I prefer Nalu. Natsu x Lucy is awesome!!!

13: I once forgot how to spell my own name.

I'm forgetful. Sadly.

There you go. I'm not tagging anyone. Your welcome.


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