A Poem To My Lover (Part 2)

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I heard about you
getting heartbroken by your lover

I felt your pain
I understood you,
For you were not the only one,
Who was dying inside

You ran to me,
Jumped into my arms,
almost endlessly

I had asked what was wrong,
You explained,


I was in shock.
I did not know it was this bad.

I took you to a nice restaurant,
We ate together,
Like a date,
You have no idea how happy I was.

You asked me,
"Is this a date?"
Took back by your response,
I replied,
"If you want it to be"

"Sure, why not?"

You make me so happy,
But the thought of you loving another,
Is painful,
It hurts too much,
As if you stabbed me,
With a thousand knives,
As if there were no regrets for each knife.

"Are you using me?"

-Dipper Gleeful

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