STEREK: Finding Your Love

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{Stiles P.O.V.}

I awoke, shivering. The window was open from last night. I smiled remembering last night.


There was a tapping sound on the window, a shadowy figure standing there. I walked over to the window, opening it up as I saw who it was. It was Isaac, a omega wolf from Derek's pack. He jumped inside, knocking over some books as he did so.

"So, Derek has been thinking lately, and he won't say what's up. I know he has a soft spot for you, so can you ask him what's up?" Isaac asked.

"I'm not going to do your dirty work," I answered, irritated.

"Come on, I need you to find out. Things are getting stressed in the pack house," he said.

"Well, I'm done with Derek. I can't be around him anymore!" I told him.

"Derek always has a soft spot for you. I don't think he will ever stop loving you," Isaac answered, a smile forming on his lips.

"Derek doesn't love me!" I yelled, a little louder than expected.

"Come to the 'Hale house' tomorrow after school. You'll see that he loves you," Isaac promised.

He jumped back out the window and left. He disappeared out of sight, leaving me with my thoughts. Did Derek really love me? Was I his soft spot?

I went to bed, Derek on my mind.


I got dressed, adding a hoodie and my converse to my outfit. I headed towards the kitchen, getting the box of cereal and milk. I poured it into a bowl, grabbing a spoon from the drawer. Scott came in, takin off his helmet and throwing it onto the table.

"Whoa, man, what's up?" I asked, my mouth full of cereal.

"Alison! What is her problem?" he screamed.

"I-I don't know, man. What happened this time? Your wolfie sense get to you?" I questioned, dropping my spoon.

"It's her dad. He's a hunter," he said, his eyes glowing yellow.

"So she's one too?" I inquired, not fully understanding his problem.

"Yes, she is. How am I supposed to tell her now?" Scott asked, his eyes turning back to brown.

"I'm not sure, maybe just come out with it. Just casual, like, 'Hey Alison, I'm a werewolf, wanna get some ice cream?'" I suggested, smiling to myself.

"Dude, that will never work," Scott sighed.

"Well, come on, we got to get to school. Want a ride?" I asked, putting on my jacket.

"Yeah," Scott mumbled, following me.

We got into my jeep and I started the ignition. We drove in silence, Scott staring out the window, a scowl on his face. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He looked perfect, his black hair falling on his tan skin. The light hit his eyes, making them shine.

"Scott, I'm sure she will accept you for you. I mean, you won't be any different than before," I encouraged.

"What if she doesn't?" Scott asked.

"Then, it's her loss. Your a cool person, no one can compare," I smiled.

"You think so?" a small smile appeared on his lips.

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