Double Dates

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Derek was in his room, pulling on his suit. He looked around for a tie, only finding a purple one. Stiles walked out of the adjoining bathroom, smiling towards Derek.

"Purple's your color," Stiles smiled.

"It would be if I knew how to tie these things," Derek concluded frustrated.

"Here," Stiles answered, walking over to tie it.

Stiles tied Derek's tie, leaning in for a kiss. Derek kissed him back, smiling into the kiss. Stiles pulled away, taking Derek's hand into his. Stiles pulled Derek out of his room, leading him towards the living room.

"Isaac! Scott! Are you ready?" Derek called.

Isaac and Scott stumbled out of Isaac's room, Isaac stuffing his shirt into his pants. Scott buttoned up his shirt, buckling his pants. Scott fixed Isaac's hair, Isaac fixing Scott's.

"We got a little distracted," Isaac mumbled.

"I can tell," Derek smirked.

"Shut up," Scott defended.

"Come on, let's go. We're going to be late," Stiles piped up.

Isaac grabbed Scott's hand, Stiles grabbing Derek's. They walked towards Derek's car, Stiles getting into the passenger seat, Isaac and Scott in the back. Isaac and Scott got tangled up in the backseat, Derek holding Stiles' hand. He brushed his lips against Stiles' knuckles. Stiles smiled, rubbing his thumb against the back of Derek's hand.

They reached the restaurant, getting out of the car. They walked up to the podium, waiting for a waiter to come serve them. A tall boy came over, smiling at them.

"This way please," he smiled, leading the way.

The group followed close behind, all of them sitting by their partner.

"My name is Danny and I'll be your server tonight," Danny introduced. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Pepsi," Derek answered.

"Me too," Stiles smiled.

"We'll have that too," Scott ordered.

Danny wrote down the orders, walking away briskly. Scott snuggled against Isaac, Isaac playfully biting his ear.

"I like this Scott," Stiles smiled.

"I do too," Derek confirmed.

"Shut up," Scott glared.

Isaac turned Scott's face, pulling him in for a kiss. Derek smiled, putting his arm around Stiles. Stiles leaned closer, his head laying on Derek's shoulder. Derek pulled Stiles' head forward, kissing his lips gently. Danny came back with the drinks, handing them towards the couples.

"Do you need a couple minutes?" he smiled.

"Yes, that'd be great," Derek answered.

Danny walked away, Derek looking at the menu this time. He scanned through the entrees, finding a pasta section.

"Hey baby, want to share some spaghetti?" Derek questioned.

"Yes," Stiles smugly smiled.

"You guys are too cute," Isaac smiled.

Derek smiled, looking at Stiles. Stiles blushed, his face turning a bright red. Derek kissed his lips, smiling into the kiss. Isaac watched them, longing for Scott to be like that.

Scott looked towards Isaac, seeing the longing written all over his face. Scott grabbed his face, pulling him in for a kiss. Their kiss was long and passionate, Scott putting in all of his feelings towards Isaac. Isaac was caught off guard, his eyes wide open. He closed them, his hands pulling at the hairs on the back of Scott's neck. Isaac felt his feelings in the kiss, his passion for Scott growing stronger.

Danny came back, his pad and pencil in hand. He looked at Scott and Isaac kissing, his face turning red when he did. He cleared his throat, Isaac and Scott pulling away.

"What can I get for you?" Danny questioned.

"Spaghetti for us," Derek answered.

"Same," Scott smiled, pleased.

Danny wrote it down, walking away with a smile. Isaac kissed Scott again, his hand caressing Scott's cheek. Derek kissed Stiles' cheek, Stiles smiling widely. Stiles ran his hand up and down Derek's leg, Derek smiling from ear to ear. His pants began to tighten, his face turning a bright red.

"Stiles," Derek whispered.

"What?" Stiles questioned looking at Derek with innocent eyes.

"Look down," he whispered between his clenched teeth.

Stiles looked down at Derek's tightened pants, smiling with enjoyment. He winked at Derek, his hand moving slowly up Derek's thigh. Derek moaned quietly, his eyes fluttering shut. Isaac and Scott stopped kissing, looking towards Derek.

"Derek!" Scott whispered, embarrassed.

"I-I'm sorry, it's not my fault," Derek breathed quietly.

"Stiles! Stop what your doing to Derek!" Isaac quietly yelled.

"I don't think Derek wants me to," Stiles smiled. "Do you Derek?"

"I really don't," Derek admitted, his breathing getting heavier with Stiles' hand finding its way towards the hard lump that formed in the front of Derek's pants.

"Come on! Stop Stiles!" Scott kicked Stiles' shin.

"Ow! Okay, fine," Stiles gave in, his hand leaving Derek's member to cover his shin.

"Don't hurt him," Derek's eyes flashed red.

"Whoa, Derek calm down," Scott defended.

"You alright baby?" Derek cooed.

"I am now," Stiles kissed Derek's lips passionately.

Danny came back, plates of spaghetti in his hands. He set them down, placing the two plates between the couples. He smiled.

"Anything else?" he questioned.

"That's all," Derek confirmed, picking up the fork.

Danny walked away, leaving the couples alone. Derek twirled spaghetti onto the fork, feeding it to Stiles. Scott mimicked Derek's actions, feeding Isaac spaghetti. Isaac blushed, Scott taking a bite off the same fork.

"How'd you find this place Derek?" Scott asked as he fed Isaac.

"Someone I used to know managed this place a while back. She's gone, but still have the best food in Beacon Hills," Derek smiled, watching Stiles take a bite if spaghetti.

"This is amazing!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Just like you," Derek cooed, pinching Stiles' cheeks.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom," Isaac excused himself, getting up.

"Hurry back," Scott called after him.

Isaac found the restroom, locking the stall behind him. He unzipped his pants, hurrying to get back to Scott's arms. A knock came on the stall door, a pair of feet showing under the stall.

"Isaac, let me in," Scott called.

Isaac zipped his pants up, opening the stall door, Scott greeting him with a deep kiss. Scott closed the stall behind him, locking it as he did. He turned to Isaac, a smile dancing on his lips.

"Try not to scream," Scott whispered.

A/N: Next update will come very soon! I have creative muse right now and I'm excited for you to read! Votes and comments are helpful! Love you guys! ~Janae

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