Midnight Memories

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Stiles worked on his homework he hadn't done in over weeks. Sighing, Stiles got up and plopped down on his perfectly made bed. His fingers ran through his hair.

Tap, tap.

Stiles jumped up instantly going towards he window. Derek's face appeared, Stiles' smile brightening.

"I didn't think you were gonna show," Stiles beamed.

"I wouldn't break my promise," Derek answered as he crawled through the window.

Derek knocked over a lamp, breaking the bulb inside. It crashed to the floor with a loud noise Derek covering his ears.

"Sorry," Derek half smiled.

"Just hide in the corner, my dad's coming," Stiles ordered, carefully picking up the glass.

Stiles' dad opened the door, looking at Stiles cleaning up the broken glass. John sighs as he spoke.

"Do you want some help?"

"No, I got it dad. Thanks," Stiles grumbled.

"What'd you do?" John inquired curiously.

"I was opening the window and I bumped it," Stiles answered.

"Alright, don't hurt yourself though," Mr. Stilinski said before he left.

The door closed signaling that Derek could come out. He helped Stiles pick up the broken glass, apologizing with every piece he picked up.

"Derek, it's okay, got it?" Stiles snapped.

"Are you okay?" Derek questioned as he slipped a hand around Stiles slim waist.

"I'm fine," Stiles lied. "Lets just get some rest."

Stiles slipped on his pj's and crawled into bed. Derek snuggled against him, his arm around his waist. Stiles turned to face Derek and looked into his eyes.

"Derek, something bads going to happen," Stiles warns.

"What do you mean?" Derek quizzed, puzzled.

"We need to slow things down, I can't see you all the time anymore," Stiles choked.

"I'm confused," Derek stated as he released Stiles from his grip.

"We need a break," Stiles answered.

"Alright, fine. If that's what you want, I'll go," Derek got up and hopped out the window.

Stiles softly cried as he slowly fell into a deep sleep.


"Stiles," a voice whispered.



Stiles woke up with his dad shaking him. He slowly rubbed his eyes as the thoughts of last night flooded back.

"You overslept. You're going to be late for school," John said.

"I don't care," Stiles answered sleepily. "I don't want to go."

"Well you have to. Now get up," John replied before leaving the room.

Stiles moaned as he rolled over. He got out of bed slowly and walked to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and hopped in the shower. He quickly rinsed off and washed his hair before he got out. Going to his room he got clothes and quickly threw them on.

"Bye dad," Stiles called before leaving.

Stiles hopped into his car and drove away. He drove to school and parked his jeep in the parking lot. As he got out he saw Derek pull up and Isaac getting out.

Stiles walked up to the window of Derek's new mustang and knocked on it. Derek rolled it down and smiled to Stiles.

"So you just decide to get a new boy toy since I rejected you! I can't believe you!" Stiles whisper yelled.

Stiles walked away his hands balled into fists. How could Derek do something this horrible to him? Stiles knew he wasn't going to stand for this. He had to move on too.

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