The Dinner Party

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I sat in my bed absent mindlessly playing with pendent
as I red form the Gilbert journal

' I watched and gazed as she sat across from me laughing at a joke
Klaus had said. Rebekah smiled at her sister's amusement to their Older Brother.
"Salem Love why don't you go fetch desert plates" Klaus asked
"Yes Klaus" She called smiling as she scooted her chair out walking into the kitchen
"Johnathan" Klaus's accent called out I looked up "Yes?"
"Tell me what do you do for the city?" He asked
I began to explain to Klaus what I do when we hear a glass shatter
"I'll go see whats up Nik" Rebekah simply said getting up'

A knock came to my door and I smiled at my father
"hey" I said smiling and got up
flattening my skirt I walked over
grabbing the folded paper on my desk handing it to him

I left town with Jules so she could help me turn
see you when I get back if I come back

Dad read and I smirked the Salvatore smirk
"Little Lockwood ran away from home" I said and dad nodded he kissed my head and walked away
I jumped back into my bed opening the journal again reading

'The two Mikealson girls came back smiles on there faces
Little Salem handed everyone a saucer while Rebekah cut the cake
placing a piece on every passed out saucer.
We finished our desert and we being new to town Klaus offered me a place to stay.
I stayed in my room until the next day. I wondered the halls to find a door open.
Going inside the room there was a journal type book on the bed. Picking it up
there was a Pentagram embroidered in the book. Opening it
Salem was written in a cursive type of style.
"That's private property Jonathan" I jumped as I herd her voice
Dropping the book on the bed.

"Curiosity got the best of me" I said playing it off like I wasn't looking for anything
"Right, right well Klaus is waiting for you in the living room" She spoke
I walked up to the door and took her face into my hands and placed my lips on hers.
Pushing her against the wall she pulled me closer to her.
'He-hem" I jumped at the sudden fake cough to see Klaus standing there
"Jonathan" He said walking away I followed him down to the living room.
When it started to get dark I went to walk to my room when I herd talking
'You will forget his liking to you'
'I will forget'"

"That Bitch compelled me" I muttered looking up before I started reading again

Placing a hand on my mouth I went back to my room grabbing a wooden stake I kept for emergencies
I waited for Klaus to come out
When he did I pinned him against the wall but I was thrown off him
a hand was stuck in my chest grasping my heart
I looked at my attacker Salem Mikealson I tried to form words but she ripped my heart out"

I slammed the book shut and sighed
"Salem!" My father's voice called before he flashed to my room
"Yes father dearest?" I asked smiling
"We have guests coming for dinner tonight" He said
"Okay" I told him going to my closet
grabbing clothes I changed my clothes and posed  in front of the mirror
I looked for shoes and grabbed my white chunky heels.

I walked downstairs and my father smiled at me
"My daughter everybody" he said and I laughed
the doorbell went off and he went and got it
John walked into the house and everyone came into the front hall

Jenna: Who invited him?

Father: John. Surprise. Leave.

John: When Jenna told me she was coming to a dinner party for Elijah, I decided I couldn't miss out on all the fun and games.
Alaric: There are not going to be any games tonight, John. It's just a friendly dinner party.
Father: What he said.

The door bell went off again and I called out "Ill get it!"
Opening the door I smiled
"Salem" He said
he followed me into the library

Elijah: Good evening.
Father: Thank you for coming. Please, come in.
Elijah: Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have less than honorable intentions
about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider.
Father: No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just getting to know you.
Elijah: Hmm. Well, that's good.
Elijah: Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me,
I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?

Father: Crystal.
Elijah: Jenna. Wonderful to see you again. How are you??
Jenna: Nice to see you.
Elijah: You look incredible.
Jenna: Thank you.
Father, Andie, Elijah, Jenna, John, and Alaric and I all sit around the table.
Jenna pours some wine for father and I pour myself some
Jenna: I hate to break it to you, Damon, but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town.
Father: Hmm, do tell.

Elijah: Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s.
Over the next hundred years they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution.
Jenna: Hmm. Because they were witches.
Andie: Yeah, but there's no tangible proof there were witches in Salem.
Father: Andie's a journalist. Big on facts.

Elijah: Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria.

It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up.

They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us.
They were consumed by the fire.
Jenna: I wouldn't repeat this to the Historical Society.
John: It's starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me.
Father: So, why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?
Elijah: You know... a healthy historian's curiosity, of course.
Father: Of course.

Father: Would anyone care for some cognac? I have a bottle that I've been saving for ages.
Alaric: None for me thanks. Nine bottles of wine is my limit
Andie: The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study.
Elijah: I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company.
Andie: I like you.
Jenna: Here you are, gentleman, make yourself useful. Hmm?
Alaric: Here, here. Put me to work.
Jenna: Um, I got it.

Jenna picks up the plates and starts to walk out of the room.
Alaric stoped her but I walked past sitting on the kitchen counter
Jenna pours coffee into a cup for John. Elijah and Andie enter the room.
Jenna: Sorry, guys, dessert is taking longer than I thought. I usually just unwrap food.
Andie: So... I know this is a social thing, but I...
I would really love to ask you some more questions about the work that you're doing here.
Elijah: I'd love to answer.
Andie: Great, that's so great.
Father and Alaric enter the room. Dad sat down and glares across the table at John
Father got up again and went into the kitchen bringing out glasses handing me one
drinking it little by little then all at once

"Excuse me i don't wanna be rude" I said and they all looked at me

"I am dead tired so i'm gonna goto bed" I said before adding "May I be excused?" looking at my father, "Course sweet dreams" He said and kissed my head
Everyone called a goodnight and I went upstairs falling back on my bed after changing into pajamas
grabbing my journal I wrote

'Tonight my father invited Elijah to dinner
Along with Jenna, Andie, and Alaric.
Something fishy was going on I know it was.
But i decided to be the good little "Human" I wasn't anymore.
I just decided to sit listen and observe, like I did back in 1864.'
Reading a Jonathan Gilbert journal from back then turned some gears. Some I didn't remember
Big brother Klaus compelled me. That. Bitch.

I yawned falling back on my bed I fell asleep

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