She's Come Undone

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I laid back in my old bed I had back in the day. The silence over welcomed me as I got up. I flashed into another room and knealed down in front of an old trunk. I herd footsteps and a bed creek as I looked as the lock on the latch. "Niklaus!" I called turning around to see him behind me, "Have you seen the key to this trunk?" I asked. "What trunk? do you want a drink" He asked winking at me and I smirked as I flashed downstairs. Stopping as the cabinets the held the scotch
opening them pulling out a small box that contained the key

I flashed back upstairs and to the trunk knealng down I unlocked the latch opening it. Pulling out an old photo album with 'Family Memories' embroided on the front. I flipped through some pages before stopping at one entitled 'Salem Darcy' a small note was at the bottom read
'I've decided to name her after my magical roots
a place I was from a place my grandmother gave her life too.

A little baby sat up on it's own in the picture. I set the album aside as I pulled more stuff out of the trunk. I pulled out a bundle of letters. Mostly addressed to Elijah Mikealson even some addressed to Niklaus I opened the first one and read

'It's been a week since New Orleans Elijah.
The witches have stopped tracking me I hope, Since I
havn't run into them in a while. I stopped in Chicago.
I met a witch that helped me her name is Gloria.
Now I have made my way to Virginia. To a place called Mistic Falls
I met the most wonderful man in the world.
His name is Damon. Damon Salvatore.
Calenda took me in and we got closer and closer.
I feel this thing the feeling I never felt before Calenda thinks its this love that i'm feeling.
We get all these weird feelings when we meet tha one person you love
that one person you like to think is the one you wanna keep forver.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I opened the last one from the stack


Something happened. A big something.
Damon and I got too close. Calenda did the test months ago
I turned up pregnant. Its a girl.
I wanna name her something that ment alot to me. Something that can mean alot to her.
I wanna name her Salem. Niklaus if something happens to this child I want you to be there.
You promised me you'd always be there when I left. I need you to be there if I die. I love you Nik I always will. Please.
Sometimes I lay in the middle of the night and just put a hand on my stomach
feeling her kick and jump around I smile and think of her life
her friends and family her Aunt and Uncles that are in her life
coursing her through it. helping in every way.
Love always.

I put a hand to my mouth as I stood up, Turning around I saw Klaus standing there I flashed up to him and he hugged me. I cried for a bit but calmed down quickly
"Thank you" I said softly and he kissed my head. He pulled away from me "I want you to head home and take care of things with your father."

"but" I said but he shook his head, he started to get tears in his eyes. "Niklaus" I said softly. He tiled my head up and compelled me, "Please do as I say for once im trying to protect you, now I want you to go back home I want you to make things up with Damon Stay until you can't be their anymore" I nodded and he let me go. I backed away as I got tears in my eyes turning away from him I wen to pack my things and I flashed away from New Orleans. I stood outside of the bourding house and walk in to hear Elena yelling well screaming in pain, and a fire extinguisher went off. I listened closely to everything going on.

Damon: Bet that feels better, huh? How about a little gratitude, or any human emotion whatsoever, and we can stop this?

Elena, still gasping and straining against her bonds, mumbles something.
Damon: I didn't quite catch that.
Elena: I said, I'm gonna kill you.
Damon: Bingo. See? There's a little rage. I should've figured that'd be the first emotion that came out of you. I tend to pull that out of people.
Stefan crouches down in front of Elena.

Stefan: Elena, look at me. We don't wanna do this, okay? You can stop this right now. It's your choice.
Elena laughs.
Elena: It's kind of funny, actually-- you being the one to pull back the curtain. I bet part of you enjoys it, since, you know, I dumped you and all.
Damon crouches next to Stefan in front of her. as I start to clap
they all look at mebut then turn back o Elena
Damon: Wow. That was downright vindictive. See?
I think now we're breaking through that tough candy shell and getting into the ooey-gooey rich center of your humanity.
This is good. I think we should shine some light on the subject.

Stefan gets up and goes to the curtain.
Elena: Let me guess... this is gonna hurt you a lot more than it hurts me?
Stefan: Look, I know what you're going through. After all you've done, you're afraid to face the guilt you'll feel
if you turn your emotions back on. Only way we can help you is to make the alternative hurt even worse.
Elena laughs at him softly and closes her eyes. Stefan wrenches back the curtain, Elena's face starts to burn and she screams in pain.

"Well that's all I want to handle right now" I said to myself and went up to my room dragging my suitcase behind me. I must of fell asleep because I woke up to the side of my bed shifting. Opening my eyes My eyes widened as I saw Elena. Elena grabbed my throat as she was choking me, and I grabbed her hand and wrist using my magic she yelled in pain but grabbed me harder. I was struggling for air.

Closing my eyes The weight soon left as I then opened them to see Uncle Stefan holding Elena back. I held my throat as I was taking deep breathes, "What. The. Hell. Was That!" I snapped. "You killed my brother! you don't deserve to live" Elena spat out. I flashed up and snapped her neck Uncle Stefan gave me a look but I ignored him walking out of my room.

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