Niffler Nuisance

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We walked through the city, certain, (well, sort of) where we had to go. Turns out a bank wasn't the best idea. There was a woman, about forty, preaching. We got closer, curious of what it was about. Turns out, they were pushing to repeat the Salem Witch Trials. I have to give them credit. These people weren't completely oblivious to the obvious hidden world.

She ended up spotting Newt in the crowd, and knowing we were outsiders, yelled to him.

"You! Friend! What drew you to our meeting?"

Newt was slightly taken aback. "I, um.. passing."

"Are you a seeker of truth?"

"M-more of a chaser really."

Subtle Quidditch reference, Newt. Real subtle. I told him through our 'mind link'

"Heed my warning, and laugh if you dare. Witches live amongst us! Join us the second salemer's! What do you say to that freind?" I noticed a small furry platypus like creature scramble up the bank steps. Oh dear.

Just then, a Muggle (I think) bumped into Newt.

"Oh so sorry."

"No harm done. Excuse me..."


Lily! What?

Niffler in bank.

Merlin's beard.

We ran up the steps, the niffler out of sight.

Ok, you look for it, I'll pretend to change out money.

What's the Muggle phrase? Needle in a haystack? More like Niffler in a bank.

I 'waited' in line, keeping an eye for the niffler. Turns out, Newt saw him.

Lil, come find me. I am at the vaults. Might want to obliviate some Muggles..

Seriously, Newt? Please tell me you did not apparate in the middle of a bank?!

Then I won't tell you.


I'm sorry! I had to. Can you please hurry?

Yeah yeah.

I slipped through the crowded lobby, finding an empty corner, and apparating down to the vaults.

Wow. The idiot managed to attract security.

"Stupefy! Now get your arse out of here!"

They Dissaparrated, leaving me with the Muggles. I sighed. I hated obliviating people. Even so, I did it anyway. "Obliviate." I muttered. Their focus became hazy, and I could tell they were stirring. So, I got out of there.

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