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All of us were filled with adrenaline. Of course that was  the only thing we had. I don't think me or Newt have slept since we got here.

We apparated on top of a building that overlooked the destruction.

"Is that the obscurial obscurius thing?" Jacob asked. I nodded, transfixed.

"That's more powerful than any obscurus I've ever heard of." Newt said. We looked at each other, mentally agreeing. "If we don't come back, look after my creatures." Newt looked at Tina, handing her a book. His book. "Everything you need to know is in there."

"What? " She said, her voice breaking with concern.

"They're not killing it." Newt said, filled with a determination I hadn't seen for a while. I kept looking forward, knowing that if I looked back, I couldn't go.

There was a silence. Newt and Tina locked eyes. Both wanted to say something, but couldn't.  Newt turned around, and we apparated again,  this time in the heat of a battle.

"Living so long with this inside you, Credence, is a miracle. You are a miracle." A familiar voice was speaking to the blackness. Graves.  He was behind this? Newt and I exchanged glances.

The Second Salem boy Tina saved? But he's far to old...  We didn't know what to do. How do you save someone who might not want to be saved?

Tina apparated next to us. "The Second Salem boy,  he's the obscurial!" Newt called to her.

"But he's not a child!"

"His powers must be so strong he's been able to control it." I reasoned.

"Newt?" He looked at her. "Save him."

He nodded,  and we started apparating building to building trying to keep up with the dark storm of destruction called Credence, while Tina distracted Graves.


It's funny how fast a night can turn sour. wasn't it only a few hours, probably less, that we were all down in the case laughing and arguing over which school was better? We had planned to be close to Arizona by this time. At this point, Newt was trying to talk to Credence and I was trying to avoid getting sucked into the storm, while also trying to figure out what to say to the boy. What do you say to a child that has a gift in him, that he's had to suppress his entire life, while getting emotionally and physically abused, and lied to? Do I bring up my own shady past? Do I share what I've hidden from everyone but Newt? So lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed him dive into the subway. Newt and I made eye contact.

Are you ready?  He asked me.

Heck no. Let's do this. I said back. I could see his smile as we apparated in the subway. 

The subway was dimly lit, and we could hear nothing except our own footsteps against the ground. We walked along, and finally heard something else. A child crying. I recognized the type of crying that was. It was the kind of crying that you break into randomly, but still trying to hold it in, but you can't anymore because it's just too much. When you realize you made a mistake but the damage is done and you don't think anyone can fix it.  I started running, because I could tell he felt so alone like no one would ever understand. I felt alone, even though maybe I wasn't, but it felt like I was. I wasn't going to let Credence think he was.

"Credence? Are you hurt? I whispered gently. I tried putting as much affection into my words as possible.

"I've met someone, just like you Credence." Newt said from beside me. " A young girl, who was punished and imprisoned for using her magic."

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