truth? heartbreaker

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Things will be made up, okay? The people and their jobs are all fake! Go with the flow and enjoy reading this chappie.


*Amora's POV* 

My head spun as I thought of Anthony and my parents. I felt drained- I can't stop having headaches every time I think of that night. Cool air blew over me as the warm light from somewhere shone on my closed eyes. I'm pretty sure I'm in a hospital room, the smell, the bed and something heavy was on my right arm. A dead giveaway. I haven't dared myself to open my eyes yet. If I did, then it feels like I've accepted the fact that they're all really gone. 

The door creaked opened, "Yes. Her moves were remarkable for a 13 year old girl- Yes, I know." A business-like voice echoed. 

"Yeah. That was very unfortunate. She tried to reason with them- Uh huh, we need someone like her." Is he the doctor? Moments passed, silence filled the room. The door closed and I sighed in relief. Sitting up from the white bed, I forced my eyes open and surveyed the white room, everything from bed to the walls were pure white, except the wooden amber door. A bed-side table was beside me; food, teddy bears and flowers dominated most of the space. 

I pulled the fluffy white blanket from my body- And spotted a fibreglass cast wrapped around my arm with a sling connecting the cast and my neck. How come I didn't feel the sling around my neck? Great. I'll have to wear a cast to school. My weight shifted as I moved to the footboard of the bed. 

I squinted as my eyes took the time to adjust to the lighting and saw another door at my left. Toilet! It's toilet time! I need to go and do my business. Walking over to the door, my legs jiggled like jelly, I was probably bedridden for days. The cold tiles of the bathroom sent tingles. While peeing, I noticed what a fancy toilet this was. This hospital... After doing my business, I approached the faucet, while washing my hands, I stared at the person I saw in the mirror. 

The girl had small cuts everywhere and some had white bandages hiding them. She had a black eye on her left eye. That's... Strange. Since when? 

Groaning to myself, I left the toilet, only to find a slim woman around her 40s wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around her long neck, she stood in the middle of the room. I don't feel like talking but despite this empty feeling inside, I shot her a brief smile. 

"Ms. Van Allen? How did you sleep?" She asked.

I beamed at the doctor- I didn't sleep well. I coudn't. I mean how could I when everyone in my family is... I had flashbacks and nightmares for the past nights. I don't even know how long I've been here. Where are my parents and Anthony? What's the date today? "I slept well. Call me Amora." I lied, gladly, she bought it.

"That's good, Amora. I'm sure you're filled with the questions. So, please, take your time and don't hesitate to ask me." I crossed my fingers, hoping for good news. 

Suddenly, an optimistic feeling came over me and told her, "I want to see my parents. Where are they?" But deep down, I think I know the answer, but I shook the thought away. My head felt like someone was slicing it open; I heard my Mom call my name out. The redness of blood, forever stained in this stupid thing I call my memories. My eyebrows folded as my head ached with the scene playing over. I brought my hands to my temple, rubbing it gently. The screams echoed, the face of my Dad flashed, and made my stomach churn. I've been trying to prevent and stop the flashbacks but no matter how hard I try myself- nothing. It kept on torturing me. And it's been torturing me. 

"Amora. Are you okay?" I brought my butt on the bed, sitting down before I lose my balance.

I mumbled between my breath, "Yeah. I'm fine. I just got light-headed for a sec," I allowed myself to smile, giving her a reassuring smile. 

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