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*Amora's POV*

The drive to the cinemas was rowdy, I mean like very loud. We laughed our heads off but as well as that, she kept her eyes on the road. The rest of the drive was covered with comforting silence. We pulled in the car park that was in front of the building. The sun shone above and casted shadows on the immobile cars. 

Exiting the car, "Looks like my sugar cookie is a babe magnet!" She got around the car and walked over to me, lightly punching my left shoulder with a smirk. One of the reasons she was awesome: She's funny. And who talks like this again? 

I playfully rolled my eyes on her and answered, "Come on, Ms. Fran- I mean Mom." I offered my hand to her and she accepted it, then, we skipped to the doors, not caring how crazy we look like. 

"Oh- Hoh, I'm not joking, Amy. Look around you." She waved her hand around her. Following to where she was waving, I spotted a gang of boys, stocked in one corner and most of them were smirking and staring. I neglected their looks and stared at my dancing Mom. 

"Pfft, they're probably because they've never seen a girl with a cast on her arm." I patted my right arm, which still had the cast on. The doctor said I can't take it off for a month. A sudden jolt made me shiver my spine. I heard a dry and haunting laugh that echoed in my head- I recalled all the violence from that night, causing my head to ache.

My Mom's gaze turned harder and more worried, "Amora? Are you feeling okay?" My Mom asked me as I turned my eyes to hers. 

I lied, "Yeah, Mom... Now come on! Let's go watch a movie and stuff ourselves with popcorn!" I fist-pumped the air. I know I had to lie, I didn't want her to be worried or anything. I love seeing her smile. It's been days since that night and my mind is still processing all that has happened. Every time my mind drifts off to to the memories, my throat would tighten and my chest would feel heavy. Like I'm suffocating.

My Mom cradled her right arm around my shoulders, "How about a surprise? I'll guess the perfect movie for us to watch while you go buy food?" She asked. 

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, okay and we'll meet up here?" 

"Yup! We'll meet here!" She popped the 'p' while she grabbed a couple of bucks from her wallet, my eyes noticed and gestured my hand to stop. "Hmm?" She hummed.

"No, Mom. I'll pay the food," I picked my wallet from my pockets and held it up, so she can see.

"No, no. No need to waste your money, Amy. Here" She grasped my left hand and tucked the notes in my hand.


"I appreciate the offer but no. I'll be back." She placed a peck on my forehead and turned her back on me. Fine. Surprisingly, there isn't a long line! Yay! 

I approached the counter as a young lady in her 20s beamed at me, "Hello there! What would you like to order," She asked as she smiled at me, eyeing my cast. I forgot that I'm right-handed! I can't write with my left. How am I suppose to study at school?! Oh life has it ways. 

"I'd like a bucket of popcorn and..." I don't know what drink she likes, I guessed. "A can of Diet Coke," I finished, smiling at the lady. 

"What flavor and size, Ms?" She questioned.

I like caramel but I'm not sure about Mom. "Uhh, caramel and large." 

She tapped the computer and said, "That'll be fourteen dollars and forty six cents." I gave her the money. "Thank you! You can wait at the side for your order, Miss." I thanked her and scooted to my right. I leaned at the counter with my arms folded.

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