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*Amora's POV* 

I thought it would be the best for both of us, if I didn't let her know what I was actually feeling. It's not stupid. I'm being reasonable. If she found out I was this broken girl, then that would give her more of a resson to start acting like the actual Mom I had.

 "What if, what if we run away," She sang as she drove the Ferrari.

"What if, what if we left today," I sang back in response. 

Singing songs in the car was new- Mom and Dad would never allow that but it turns out that my new Mom does this all the time. We're currently in the car, travelling back to the hospital after doing 'the list of fun things to do'. I sat back, feeling drained from exhaustion, remembering all the fun times we had. She really knows how to have fun; after eating we went shopping, ice skating, crashed a wedding- That's a no joke, we really gate crashed a wedding- ate the best ice cream ever, played games in this carnival and sang in a karaoke place. 

Her thoughts while we made that list was that since I've been through so much traumatic things for a kid my age, it's only fair that we show life our middle fingers. And that, is great philosophy. 

We did loads of strange and hilarious things but as a smile tugged my lips, we stopped. "Amora! You really have a nice voice!" My Mom got out of the car. Realising that we were at the hospital, I clicked my seatbelt open and slid out of the Ferrari. 

"You've just got good hearing, Mom." I stalked towards her, who is now leaning against the door. She smirked and folded her arms, an 'Hmm-Mm' left her mouth. 

I brought my left hand to my hips as she sassed an "Oh, my dear, why do you always deny the things you can do?" She smirked was still leaning against the door. 

I opened the door, causing my Mom to stand up properly, "I dunno." Was all I said before we started racing to my room. I gave my Mom an advantage, giving her a head start. Seconds later, I'm in my room with my Mom no wear to be seen.

I jumped on the bed, my back landing on its soft sheets- The door was kicked open. "Yay- Aww. I knew I would lose to my thirteen year old daughter," She entered the room, looking breathless from the run. "Who practically does three sports: Baseball, basketball and football." She held out three fingers, counting each one. 

"Mom," I grunted, I don't want to think about those yet. 

"Okay, okay. I'll stop- Get some sleep, I'll be here," She laid down on the two-seater couch.

"You can sleep here, if you want to, Mom." She shook her head and stood up.

"No, Amy. Good night." She whispered into my ears with a kiss on my forehead. The nightmares erupted in my mind once again. 


I woke up as dawn bursted through the sky, the sun rising up in the air. Getting up, I walked inside the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush. My head still ached from last night; Today is the second day til' school starts. I have to do the test thingy tomorrow. What type of test is it? Is it like physical or theoretical? Or like test papers and stuff? 

I finished brushing my teeth and entered the room, "Hey, sugar cookie, good morning," Immediately knowing it was my Mom. 

I smiled, "Morning Mom! What's the agenda for today?" I just had to ask, there's nothing planned for today. 

"You and I can just chillax- Y' know chill with your cool Mom!" She pointed her thumbs at herself, wiggling her eyebrows. 

"Yup, cool Mom," I said in a sarcastic way. 

"Those men in the room from yesterday told me that you wanted to go to the mall," Mom stood from the couch and stumbled towards the window. Mall? Oh yeahhh, training- it was suppose to be a secret. I guess they couldn't think of a better excuse, huh. "Do you need me to come with you, cookie?" She turned her back from the window and glided towards the bed, where I currently laid down like a star fish. 

"Nope, I don't," She grinned and ruffled my hair. Then I remembered something... "Since I have a cast on- That means I can't do sports?!"

"Yeah, the doctor told me to tell you soon but I didn't want to be a party pooper." She scratched her neck. I can still do football! "It's a bummer too, I heard you were the captain for each sport too," I nodded. We'll have a football practice at the end of the week too. 

Mom held my right shoulder, "We could go around the hospital, y' know this hospital's like a hotel too. We can go and do some cra~cra things." She smiled. 

I grinned at my Mom, "Sure! Can we go and prank some people too?" Without caring, I bounced up and down on the bed's mattress; I'm eggscited. 

"Yes! Now let's go, we'll have brunch later- Oh- You just crack me up," My Mom punched the air with her right hand and snickered. 

I smirked, "Oh mother, I'm just yolking." I turned and headed to the shower, hearing my Mom roar in laughter at my back.  


"Mom! You did this!? Wow, I'm impressed," I threw the whoopee cushion at my Mom. 

"Well it's not as good as the hair prank you did on me!" She bit her lower lip, looking like she's holding in her laughter. After eating brunch and doing' some weird things in the hospital, me and Mom decided to spend the rest of the evening in my room. 

"Okay! Let's watch some TV!" I grabbed the remote and switched the TV on. 

We watched the movie 'Minions' together but as soon as the credits rolled, I found my Mom sitting on the floor beside me, her legs tucked in under her chin. I smiled as I grabbed the blanket and placed it on top of her. I couldn't carry her- I only have one arm to support her. 

I felt my butt sink into the couch as soon as I sat. Sitting in silence, my vision became rose red, it seemed like someone was cracking the top of my head open. My parents and Anthony danced around my brain- Just thinking about them is like putting a needle right through my heart. 

They left me. They died because of me, I wasn't there to help them. When they needed me the most... When their lives was hanging on a piece of thin thread and I wasn't there to pull them up. 

I wanted to cry like I did that night. That night


That night when I got wasted in playing GTA with my brother. Man, I threw a huge fuse. 

Anyways! Be sure to vote and comment down below!

C'ya HoMiEs!


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