the park

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*Amora's POV*

The end of holidays are just around the corner and the first day of school back was killing me with anticipation. Cotton candy like clouds hovered over my head as it decorated the light blue sky while I enjoyed watching little children play and have bright smiles across their cute faces. I ran my hand through my dark golden brown hair, untangling knots that formed; I mentally sighed in relief as cold breeze kissed my face. This is why... Why I like going to the park, watching joyful children romp around with their friends and families, walking, skateboarding and killing time to think things over.

I clutched my skateboard from my left hand and placed it on my lap. I was nearby an ice cream stall, sitting on a wooden bench.

"Sorry, Abygail, but we don't have any money. We'll have to save up, hun." A voice appeared behind my back.

With that, I immediately stood up, making my way to the voices.

"But mom..." A girl about 6 years old whined and gradually started tearing up. I came over to the ice cream stand while grabbing my wallet out. The mother instantly made her way to the bench I was sitting on, with a sad expression.

I knelt down in front of the girl and gave the girl my warm smile that reached my eyes. "Hey kiddo, what flavor do you want?" I said with curiosity; watching the girl's reaction. 

"Mmm... Ch-Chocolate b-but you don't have to..." The girl whimpered.

I winced at her sadness and said with empathy, "None sense. If you don't mind me asking... What's your name?" 

"Mama told me not to talk to strangers or give my name to them." The girl's tone was firm but turned to a soft one while I paid the guy running the stall.
Seconds later, she tilted her head and raised her eye, "Buuut, you were kind enough to buy me ice cream even though I said you don't have to. So, my name is Abygail but you can call me Aby!"

Wow, that girl can change her attitude quickly... "Uhh ok but you have to be careful, Aby." I smiled cheekily and handed her ice cream over and stared at the girl's mom.

"What's your mom's favourite ice cream flavor?" My prying gaze turned to look at the mom and Aby. They look completely different... Different eye and hair color and there was no resemblance... 

My thoughts were interrupted, "Cookies and cream!" Aby exclaimed with pure bliss as she ate her ice cream with gusto. I nodded and bought her mother's ice cream. 

I held Aby's hands as if it was fragile and strolled towards her mom, "Hi! You must be Aby's mother..." I beamed as Aby hugged her mother with love and content. It's an addiction... I'm addicted to seeing people happy. The mom was caught off guard and suddenly stared at Aby and turned her gaze towards me. As she worked out the rest of the puzzle, I gave her my friendliest smile as possible while I handed the ice cream to her- Thankfully, she accepted it. 

"Say 'thank you' to her, Abygail." She said with a blissful smile, engulfing her daughter to a big hug; satisfied with Aby's cheerfulness. Now, that's a good mother, happy because her daughter is happy. 

Abygail nodded her head and hugged me, " Thank you. You really made my day- I haven't seen anyone in my entire life, that's so kind and caring," I grinned at her response and bent down levelling our heights. 

"It's always important to help someone in need, Aby. And smile. Know that when you smile, you smile for yourself and for your mother."

I was disrupted from my thoughts once again but only to find Abygail squeezing me into a tight hug. I smiled at my thought; she'll be brilliant when she grows up... 

"Gosh... I don't know what to say- I- Thank you..." The mom approached me as Aby began playing on the swings. 

"Please, don't mention it. Is she..." I asked halfheartedly, hoping for an answer.

The mother searched my eyes while I diverted my attention to a frolicking Aby, "Yeah, she is... her mom died from childbirth and the dad died from lung cancer- 2 years ago." She said with hesitation and twiddled with her fingers, staring into space meanwhile I find words to express my emotions for Aby.

I took a deep breath, "She'll grow stronger, I know she will. She's clearly healthy and she is definitely getting education," I said thinking back to her responses from before; she's a smart girl. 

"Have faith, I can only imagine half the things you went through, including sweet Aby." 

She sniffed and wiped her hand on her denim jeans, "Thank you again. We'll get going now, I saved up all the money for her appointment in the hospital. Bye." 

She walked up to Abygail, said something that made Aby erupt into a fit of giggles and lifted her from the ground. I was touched, her mom carried Aby like a porcelain doll but with more passion and love. 

I stood there, holding my skateboard to my chest, as Aby's mom turned her back I saw Aby waving goodbye; I returned it as I broke into a huge smile. A smile that my friends thought boys would go crazy. I'm not even near to being pretty... I'm just nobody. That's right. Nobody. 

I scanned the horizon of the setting sun, waiting for moon to break and night to be young; it was getting dark. I was never afraid of the dark; there would always be light to guide me, and I know that. Besides, my big bro taught me a couple of tricks to defend myself and I like watching action-packed movies so I gained a little knowledge from that too. 

I briskly made a full 360 degree turn, surveying the area with my brown eyes. And saw joyful families roaming around the park and a couple of strange stares from boys around my age. Okay... I know I haven't showered yet but do I smell that bad?

 Travelling was never my issue; I either have my feet or skateboard. 

It was a 15 minute walk but when I skateboard, I always arrive in 10 minutes, more or less. I knocked the door, looking forward to seeing my parents laugh with some cheesy jokes I made up today... 


YOU JUST MADE IT! YAY! What do you think? Please comment, vote or whatever you do these days because I'm new to this but I hope you truly enjoyed the chappie! 

I'll try to update quickly as possible but NOT everyday. Because. I. Have. Stuff. To. Do. 

C'ya HoMiEs!


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