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What do you think? I settled with the song above. 

Hope You Enjoy!


*Amora's POV* 

"What do we have here," Six men were ringed around us, their faces were concealed in masks. Their presence gave me a sense of foreboding, six towering, buff, and hooded men. My heart raced whilst they took steps towards us. I gulped down a lump that formed in my throat. My mind was still on Anthony.

They each took a step closer. And a step closer. And another. 

I know accidents happen but- I don't know anymore. Anthony is too young and he's my brother. He's strong. He'll wake up, I'm sure he will. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts. 

A sturdy voice rumbled. "We don't want any trouble." My Dad said, straightening his posture. They started cackling like Dad just told them a joke, scariest thing is their laugh sounded so surreal, it wasn't fake. Are they drunk? 

"What's going on here- Ooh, a lot blood," What seemed to be the leader, grabbed my Dad's collar and pulled him closer. Dad said nothing.

"I'll stop beating around the bush, okay? Something valuable. I want something valuable." The leader smiled, his icy made my spine shiver. "Give me something that's worth millions and we'll be on our merry way, huh?" His smile stretched to a grin. 

His knuckles whitened just as he tightened his grip on my Dad's collar, he hoisted Dad in the air. Dad squirmed at the last part, realising what he meant. He laid his eyes on the leader's. "Just go along with the flow- no funny business- if there is, then you know who's dying first..." My mind rattled back and forth to the men and Anthony- what would he do? Think. Think. 

He scoffed, "Not talking? That can be easily taken care of." He dropped Dad to the ground, grunting. Two robust men seized hold of each arm, one at his left and one at his right. My fast reflexes made me stand up. Mom was hustling over Anthony, taking care of him, but I'm sure I can feel her burning concerned look. 

"Amora. Stay out of this- " Dad groaned as he attempted to break free from the men. In the process of it, he unexpectedly grabbed the mask of the leader while he stumbled towards the cold hard concrete. He landed and his eyes grew in shock as the leader stood still in front of him- with his back towards us. Dad added, "Look, I'll give you the thing- Just leave everyone alone." 

My Dad still imprisoned, the man in black glanced at my defensive stance and back to my Dad, who was now gripping his left side. "Aww, like father like daughter. Both so- So courageous! It's a shame, your father will have to say bye-bye to you soon!" He forcefully punched Dad's stomach, hearing an 'umph' and a hyena-like cackle left the man's mouth. 

"What do you think you're doing?! He didn't do anything wrong!" I boldly said without a second thought, taking a step near them. The leader turned his gaze to me.

"Can't you see, stupid girl, are you blind? Your father was foolish enough to not comply with us and saw my face. Besides, I wasn't going to let him live anyway." He beamed at me and shot a toothy grin again- his tipsy tone of voice gave me an idea. He resumed beating Dad again, without a single pause. This guy is a psychopath! And they're all drunk too. 

I felt my eyes water at the sight of Dad and the screech I heard from behind me resonated in me. The other five men whooped, encouraging the leader to keep on going. I should be stopping this.  "Your parents wouldn't want this- You know that!" I burst out with a strategic plan in my mind, while I inched closer to a lampost that will surely have a CCTV camera. Where the heck are the police when you need them? 

His fists stopped in mid-air, he nonchalantly glared at me wide eyed. 

"What do you know? My parents are dead! Left me for good. To rot." He let out and sneered at me. 

"Even if they are, no matter what they did to you. They always cared. Killing someone won't help you- It'll only cut you deeper." My tone changed, looking like he's about to explode, he clomped his way to me. 

"You know exactly what they would've said." I emphasised on the 'exactly' part. In a flash, he threw a punch at me, for some reason, I dodged it with ease. He kept on delivering jabs and hits in multiple directions; he targeted my head, stomach, face and even tried kicking me in the shin. Kick me all you want, that part is numb from playing too much football. 

Thinking that he won't stop any sooner I hurled a compact jab to his jaw, putting all my anger in it. I don't even know what I'm doing, I never had a fight with anyone in my life. The leader stumbled backwards and was caught by one of his 'henchmen'. 

Damn, watching Karate Kid came in handy after all? The guy glared at me, his face was all red and sweaty. It all happened instantaneously, I don't even know how that happened. I did a good 360 degree around me and saw that my move just started a full-blown brawl. It was all six men versus Dad and I. We valiantly clashed, but as that occurred I saw how Dad was now veiled with his own blood and sweat. 

"Amora!" I instantly realised who howled my name; Mom was enclosed with two men. I sprinted to their backs and power-kicked the back of a guy on the left, who held a knife. The guy dropped his grip from the knife as the knife dropped he did as well. The guy on the right clenched his dagger and aimed for me- I ducked down and seized the knife on the ground. 

I'm not skilled with using a knife as a life-saving device but for cooking stuff, I can. I tried my best to block but I occassionally received a cut here and there. I can see that the guy was experienced, the way he moved. I was thrown in surprise as I sensed something cold slice through my left arm; the line drew blood everywhere. 

I would feel the grazes of his knife as our fight continued, what seemed like hours, I out smarted him by crouching down and swinging my right leg at his knees. Thankfully, he fell to the ground, with one last solid punch to his face, he passed out. Scanning at my Dad's fight with those four men, he was losing. Taking my sneakers out, I scampered towards the four, who were simpering because of my Dad's pain. They were all drenched in blood and so was I but I didn't care. I would die protecting this family than live regretting. I bent my legs as I stood beside my bleeding Dad. He dealt with the two while I gave 'knuckle sandwiches' to the other two. 

Love IS worth fighting for. 

The knife in my pocket, everything went in slow motion again. Blood running down my nose, mouth and everywhere else. I was punched, slitted and gashed. My body ached from everything and I felt my pulse vibrate through my body. After minutes of this hell-like situation, the two tumbled and dropped, their blood-soaked bodies on the road.  

Coughing blood, Dad was preoccupied fighting off the leader with long shard of broken glass... Wait, there was one more left... "No!" I turned and saw Mom- motionless and on the ground. This time, a slit slashed my heart not my arm. My vision blurred as hot tears fell on my face, I bolted to her body, the vibrant colors of life that was once there rapidly evaporated. I embraced her; as I did, a million happy memories sped through my mind. Something in me collapsed.

No one is on the streets. Nobody to come and rescue us. 


oof ; (


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