Jedi Vs Sith. Love Awakens

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"Keep pushing." Ezra shouted as his men came to a barrier with Master Skywalker

"Jedi" Raez said 

"Caleb" Ezra said in disbelief

"So Shan you ready to fight." Raez said

Raez leaped toward Ezra, both blades thrust forward. The Jedi Knight parried the Fallen Jedi attack and spun to deliver his own blow. Raez caught Ezra's lightsaber between the crossed blades of his own and slid them forward. He swung his lightsabers out and around to strike at Ezra's midsection. The Jedi flipped up and over the Dark Jedi just in time to evade. Another attack from Raez nearly found its mark, but Ezra stopped the energy blades with his hand shocking Raez. Then the combatants stood, pressing their lightsabers against one another. Raez snarled as his now yellow eyes glowed from the hollow cavities in his face.

"Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side," the Dark Jedi crowed. He and Ezra both leaped backward to face one another from opposite sides of the room. Ezra then backed off as Ahsoka who was nearby engage her lightsaber clashing Raez blade

Raez sprang on the offensive again, whirling around, his lightsabers swirling in a dazzling blur of motion. Ahsoka concentrated, trying to time her own strike just right. She skipped her blade off of Raez Red Blade to distract him as Ezra destroyed one of Raez lightsaber. Now armed with only one weapon, the Dark Jedi spun about and thrust at Ezra chest. A circular strike from Ezra's lightsaber knocked the attack harmlessly aside.

Then Raez unleashed another volley of lightning, but Ezra managed to catch it on the blade of his lightsaber. Now Ezra used his lighting with his left hand and hit Raez. Ahsoka smirked as she now see Raez to being defeated

"Give up." Ahsoka asked hoping Raez had smart to realize he is outmatch

"NEVER" Raez said snarling as he force pushed Ahsoka to the wall

The Dark Jedi let out a cry and attacked again with his lightsaber. His anger had caused him to attack recklessly, and Ezra saw an opening. With a quick parry to Raez lightsaber, and a swift attack of his own, the Jedi Knight severed both of Raez arm and stabbed him in the chest

"Trooper what going on." Ezra asked as he noticed cheering

'Sir General Skywalker son and daughter have destroyed the shields ." Clone replied as Ezra nodded

"Leia" Ezra thought as Leia felt a presence and felt Ezra

"This time I will ask him out." Leia thought smiling and blushed a little

Ezra with Anakin and Ahsoka bring the remaining troops

"Come on we got them" Clone shouted

"We need a Medic over here" Another clone shouted

Ezra rushed at the leading seeing a Tank aiming at few trooper

"Watch Out" Ezra shouted as A Tank fired at the clone as some jumped and some were unfortunate

Ezra then rushed at the tank and destroying it with his lightsaber

"Ezra" A voice called out as Ezra turned to see Leia deflecting shots from the droids

"When did you join the war" Ezra asked flipping his lightsaber killing three Droids 

"I joined awhile ago" Leia said smirking as Ezra smiled

"I heard you need help destroying the main factory let go" Leia shouted going to the serect area as Ezra followed

After managing to put the bombs Ezra saw a new weapon that even bombs couldn't handle since Leia threw one

"Fool, the super tank is impervious to all weapons" Droid Commander said but was destroyed by the explosion

 Rex, tell the men to fall back." Anakin ordered deflecting shots with his son

"But, sir, you can't be asking us to turn tail and run?" Rex asked

"I'm not asking you to run, Rex." Anakin ordered as Rex realized what he going to do

"Father what are you doing" Luke asked with confusion 

"I want to draw those tanks out onto the bridge." Anakin said explaining to Luke who nodded

"I see what you have in mind." Luke said 

"I always come prepared, Son." Anakin said with a smirked

"Let's go." Luke said 

Meanwhile with Ezra and Leia

"The bombs! Stupid green bugger!" Leia shouted as The bugs left with the bomb as Ezra growled

Outside of the field

 "Fall back! Fall back! Give everything you've got." Cody and Rex were shouting

"Roger, roger." Droid said pushing forward but the bridge fell down

"Where are they? Those bombs are going to go off any second now." Luke said worried 

"Ahsoka, any sign of Ezra or Leia on your side?" Anakin asked in his communicator 

 "No, Master, but this place is getting ready to blow." Ahsoka said 

"The evacuation ships are arriving. I suggest you get on one Anakin." Obi-Wan said

"Not without my daughter or Ezra." Anakin said in determination

"The bugs took the bombs." Ezra said

"What are we going to do now? I don't know what to do without the bombs." Leia said sadly

" But This tank could destroy the power generator and probably us along with it." Ezra said sighing as Leia nodded as Ezra did something as he opened the hole on push Leia inside

"EZRA WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Leia shouted as he closed the hole

"Get out of here I am blowing it up with the tank" Ezra said tears forming his eyes as he knew this may be it

"NO DON'T DO IT" Leia shouted with tears in her eye

"I promise I will return now go" Ezra shouted as Leia ran outside as fast as Anakin looked surprised

"Where is Ezra" Anakin asked seeing more droids now

Back with Ezra

"I guess that's is my choice." Ezra said as he fired the torpedoes destroying the factory with him being close to unconscious

Awhile after the explosion he heard some men as he groaned


"Get it open now" Another said as they pushed as Ezra looks to see clone trooper

"GENERAL SKYWALKER I FOUND HIM" Clone trooper shouted as Ezra groaned and got up walking as a 501st Clone trooper support his shoulder

"I can walk" Ezra said

"Yes sir but you have survived an explosion. We clone must take precarious to the wounded one." Clone responded

Ezra was about to say something when he felt a pissed off Leia Skywalker

"Trooper can you try to avoid Leia Skywalker right now." Ezra said groaning remembering Leia as he turned to see Leia rushing towards him

"I got him" Leia said with a tone 

"Yes sir" Clone replied as Leia then helped Ezra to a gunship

"You know if I didn't love you. I would have been so mad" Leia said as Ezra looked surprised

"You love me" Ezra asked as Leia widen her eyes and closed her mouth

"Ezra....Yes I do" Leia said as she was surprised when Ezra kissed her

"I love you too." Ezra said smiling

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