Investigating the Progate Temple

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(Note that this chapter will be short, sorry)

It's been several hours since the factory's destruction, I am on a cliff looking through the land, cuz master luminara had said that Pagul had escaped, after this was said, Pagul needed to be captured, as im watching the land, luminara walks up to a bike and she rides off with a clone following her, I watched her speed off, worrying about her safety

-time skip a couple hours-

It's been a couple hours since luminara had left, Im in the Temporary republic command center, I am watching through the windows into the swirling dust cuz a sandstorm had erupted, making travel nearly impossible, Anakin, Leia, and Padme are at a table eating dinner, Luke and Obiwan are at the holotable trying to make a connection to master luminara, I groaned lightly as I walked over to the Jedi at the holotable and I said to them "there's no point raising a connection, not in this storm" Luke replied back to me as he presses a few buttons "there's a chance that we can" "yes but it's slim" Obiwan chuckled lightly after I replied to Luke and he said to me "yes but we are worried, this planets geography is a mystery, master luminara could get lost" I countered master kenobis logic "we can send patrols to find her" Obiwan chuckled even more but a hologram appeared on the table, Obiwan cocks an eyebrow at me while I just stared at the hologram of master luminara, eyes wide and she said "master Kenobi, I'm at the Progate temple, I have reason to believe that Pagul is inside the temple, I'm going in" Obiwan replied to luminara "no, wait till this storms clear than we can send you some reinforcements" luminara replied to master kenobi "I can't, paguls capture is a top priority- what!?" Luminara said the last word highly startled, she turned to the side and activated her lightsaber, the hologram gets cut off, I cocked my eyebrows at Obiwan, who looks at me annoyed and he said "alright you may be right but we can't do anything with this storm, we will have to wait until it clears" I chuckled at the annoyed master and I nodded "who gets to go?" Anakin replied to my question "me, you, master Kenobi, Padme, Leia, and a handful of clones" Ezra nodded as he walked back to the Windows, waiting for the storm to clear

-time skip one hour later-

It's been exactly one hour since the alarming transmission between us and master luminara, I'm in a gunship with Leia, Padme and the two Jedi masters, after abit the gunship lands and the blast doors open, the eight clones including commander Cody, lined up in two lines, the jedis and the senators gets out of the gunship and walks towards the broken down temple and Leia said "mom didn't you tell me storys about this temple? Legends?" Padme thinks for a moment and she nodded his head "yeah I did but there just legends" Ezra snorted lightly and he added to there conversation "ladys, legends always holds a bit of truth" "true that..." Anakin muttered to himself as everyone entered the broken down tunnel, Ezra made a stop motion with his hand and he said in a commanding voice "fan out everyone, search for clues"---To Be Continued

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