Recovery. A Vision

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Dark man heard the noise, and turned his seat to see which Jedi had come to apprehend him.

"Ah, Master Windu, what a pleasant surprise!"

As he spoke, Dark Lord sent a flicker of his will through the Force and triggered an audio only recording device within his desk.

"I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then?" he asked pleasantly.

"This isn't about Grievous," Master Windu replied stonily.

"It's not?" Dark Lord queried innocently, "Master Fisto, hello. Master Kolar, I trust you're well. And Master Tiin! I see that your horn has re-grown nicely. You must forgive my ignorance Masters, but if it is not Grievous or the war, what has brought you to my office at such an hour?"

"We know who you are," Mace replied, "We know what you are. We're here to take you into custody."

"I beg your pardon Master Windu. What I am?" Dark Lord said with obvious confusion, "And I sincerely hope I misunderstand what you mean by custody. It screams of treason."

"Then let me make my meaning plainer," Mace responded coldly, "You're under arrest Sidious!"

At that pronouncement, Mace Windu ignited his lightsaber and was mirrored by his companions as they moved out in a semi-circle, cornering the Dark Lord.

"And on what charges do you intend to arrest me under?"Dark Lord

"You're a Sith Lord!" Mace said bluntly.

"I am? Even if that were true, I believe the Constitution of the Republic has very specific laws against persecution based on a philosophical or religious belief."

"We're not here to argue with you. Come with us. Now?"

"I will do no such thing, Master Windu!" Dark Lord fired back, "I have committed no crime, and yet you Jedi traitors are here to imprison me, with your weapons drawn no less!"

"Don't try to resist."

"Resist!?" Dark Lord cried shrilly, "How could I possibly resist you? This isn't an arrest at all. This is murder! How am I of any threat to the Jedi? Master Tiin, you're the telepath, what am I thinking right now?"

Jedi Master Saesee Tiin cocked his head curiously to one side, and ever so slightly lowered his emerald green blade. A blur of black shadow and red flame shot from behind Dark Lord desk and Saesee Tiin's head bounced as it hit the floor.

Both Mace Windu and Kit Fisto jumped back in alarm.

"It doesn't..." Agen Kolar half whispered.

His sky blue blade was sucked back into the hilt of his lightsaber and a crimson blade withdrew from his head.


The Jedi Master was dead before he hit the floor.

Once again, Mace and Kit Fisto gave a start of shock as they stared at Dark Lord, who was now standing in the doorway, a blood colored blade cocked high at his shoulder.

"Help! Help!" he cried, his voice high and panicky, "Security, someone, anyone! Help me!"

And then to the utter astonishment of Mace and Kit, Dark Lord held a finger to his lips...

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