Ezra is walking a black void, because it's called limbo, he's been walking this black endless void of blacken trees, he's been walking through this endless forest as voices was heard all around him like 'leave' 'get out' and 'you don't belong here' these were the voices of fallen jedis and Sith, as well as clones and innocent civilians who had died during the clone wars, as he is walking the endless forest, looking for his place to which he can call his new home which is never there because it wasn't his time to come here, Dooku had walked infront of him, Ezra gasped as he entered his form III but he then noticed that he doesn't have his lightsaber, then he noticed that Dooku doesn't have his lightsaber, the old Sith then said to the young Jedi master "master Shan? Is that you?" "Yeah, it's me, why are you here?" "I am unsure but you shouldn't be here." "Why? I died by the hands of my own clones" "your wrong master Shan, you still live, your soul is only here for a brief time, so I must tell you, run master Jedi, don't trust anyone, only those who YOU truly trust, and run, master Sidious will send his new apprentice after to the surviving Jedi" ezras eyes widened and he yelled out "WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO" Dooku stayed quiet and he said "go to Kamino, tell the head Kamino cloner that I sent you, get there cloning secrets, rebuild the clone army and regain balance to the Galaxy, then kill the cloners, so that Sidious can't clone anymore clones" Ezra was shocked but then he knew what Dooku was saying, tho Ezra believes that killing should be a last resort but going against the Sith, he must change in order to defeat them, he nodded at Dooku and he said "as you wish...Dooku" Dooku smiled at Ezra and he said "I wish you luck master Jedi" Ezra smiled as his existence in limbo disappeared
-going back to the physical place-
Ezra opens his eyes and he gasped as he sat up quickly, he focused his eyes seeing commander Fives and commander wolf sitting there with there helmets off looking at Ezra worried, fives then said to Ezra "general, are you alright?" Ezra nodded as he looked at his chest, it's covered in bandages, Ezra looks at fives again and he said "we need to leave NOW" "agreed general, General Skywalker is heading here now to rescue you" Ezra shook his head as he starts to get up with the support of commander wolf and Ezra said "no, we need to head to Kamino now, if we wait a single second, we will lose our chance to steal he clone DNA" wolf looks at Ezra shocked and he said "why would you do that sir?" "Because wolf, I'm going to restart the clone army, in the way they were MEANT to be, until then we stay a secret, wolf go back to Anakin and tell him that I had disappeared, do not tell anyone that me and fives went to Kamino, understood?" "As you wish general" wolf gave Ezra to fives, wolf then puts on his helmet and he began walking away, wolf turned around to see Ezra with his arm around fives, seeing them both walking away, wolf is scared of how many brothers those two will kill to get the DNA