Loyal Clones. Rise of Darth Vader

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Kit Fisto never had a chance.

As soon as it had finished speaking, the living shadow that was Darth Sidious surged forward, powerful beyond measure, and consumed the Jedi Master utterly injuring him as Fisto left quickly to get help.

Now Mace Windu was alone against the physical manifestation of the Dark Side itself.

Alone, but not helpless.

Because Mace has a power too. He has Vaapad. Only one person other then him mastered it and it was Ezra

It is often touted at the seventh form of Lightsaber combat, but Vaapad is much more than that. Vaapad is a form of combat, a power, and a state of mind. To use Vaapad, one must give himself to the fight, to the thrill of combat, and the lust for victory. That is why it is such a dangerous form.

It leads through the outer fringes of the Dark Side.

Mace Windu created it, and he was its only living Master. beside a Knight Bridger

So when the shadow swung it's blade at Mace's neck, Mace released Vaapad from within his heart and answered in kind.

The shadow pressed on him, and Mace used Vaapad to push back. Every strike of his blade, every blow that was sidestepped, every whip crack of the Force that sent decorations hurtling through the air at the shadow, every one of them was Mace Windu fighting to save the Republic he loved so dearly. Darkness poured from the shadow and Mace let it flow through him and then reflect back out at the shadow.

This is the power of Vaapad. It is a channel for darkness. It creates a circuit within the Force, a never-ending loop of energy that allows Mace to turn darkness into light. The Force darkens and crackles around Mace and he draws it into himself before expelling it back out at the shadow. The shadow gives Mace it's hatred, and Mace returns it. Their blades flash and spark and spit lethal gouts of crimson and amethyst energy as they twirl and whirl and crash together. By using the power of Vaapad, Mace displays it's from.

As Mace continues to take in and reflect the shadow's dark power, he also uses it to power his fighting. Vaapad is named after the vicious predator of the same name found on the moons of Sarapin. A Vaapad attacks with tentacles that move so blindingly fast, they are impossible to see.

So does Mace Windu's blade.

The shadow's power fuels Mace's fighting and Mace's fighting fuels the shadow. The circuit was complete, the loop of energy was moving. While the shadow could no longer overpower Mace, neither could Mace overpower the shadow.


Which could have gone on into eternity, if Vaapad were Mace's only skill. The fighting was effortless now, so Mace stretched out with his Force perceptions and stared the shadow in the face. Where previously Mace saw a number of shatterpoints upon which Palpatine might have broken, he saw the shadow had only one. Coiled and crystallized at the core of the shadow's heart, wasn't just the shatterpoint of the shadow.

Victory flooded throughout the Jedi Master's entire being and he threw it all at the shadow with thunderous force. Caught completely off guard, the shadow retreated backwards, toward the massive window at the rear of Palpatine's public office. Fear gripped the shadow's heart in an icy vice and try as it might to use it, the fear continually sapped at the shadow's strength. The Force hissed and spat all around the two combatants, and as their blades made contact, the window behind them shattered into a thousand pieces. Then the shadow's fear turned into hatred, a violent, vehement, hatred and the shadow turned it on the Jedi. The Jedi was unprepared and it cost him. The shadow's blade grazed the Jedi's forehead and seared a strip of his flesh as the Jedi bent back, half a second too late. The shadow returned with a thrust to the stomach and the Jedi caught the thrust and sent it away before whirling around and kicking the shadow in the stomach. As the shadow reeled, the Jedi's violet blade came down and neatly bisected the shadow's lightsaber shortly before a blast of the Force threw the shadow into the far side of the window frame.

But before Mace could kill him a red blade went through him

Couple of hours later

"Come on we need to evacuate." Anakin said as Five with Rex were getting all the clone that and Jedi to leave

"Father I felt Ezra clone betray him...I feel it he still alive." Leia said in fear

"We will go for him. Right now we need to leave." Anakin

If your curious Half the clone battalion by Ezra and Leia told about inhibitor chip

"Kill them." Clone under sidious control said just as a gunship broke in

"We've done it Anakin, everyone is on board the Repulse." Obi Wan said as Anakin and Leia ran into a guniship with Obi-Wan.

"Admiral, jump to hyberspace, we must get out of here." Anakin ordered with a grin.

"As you command general." Admiral Yuralen replied with a smile and ordered the jump.

"Cody, Rex, contact the rest of the commanders, tell them to meet us on Yalvin. But first we need to pick up Ezra Shan" Anakin said.

"Yes general." both Cody and Rex replied and rushed off to contact the rest.

"So you escape." Vader said growling as he smirked seeing at least several Jedi body dead as he noticed another injuried Jedi getting up igniting his blade

"Surrender." Jedi said as Vader laughed and just blocked his attacked and stabbed him

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