Being Redeployed and the Clones betrayal

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It's been several years since the Salucumi incident, Leia and Ezra were spending quality time at the temple, meditating and having the occasional make out session in an empty closet and in ezras room, but today is different, today is Ezra is standing infront of the Jedi counsel, almost half of them is a hologram due to the planets they are on, mace overlooks the man and he said "Ezra... Your being redeployed" "for what reason master?" "Due to the counts death and the death of general grievous, this war is coming close to the end, so I'm sending you and the 227 legion to secure the planet Leviathan, it's a snow world, so get yourself a scarf, anyway this planet is considered to be the most strategic planet in the Galaxy, but the separatists had taken control over it so I need you and your legion to take it back" Ezra frowns slightly but he nodded at his master and he replied "as you wish master" Ezra turned around and he starts to leave but mace stopped him "wait!" Ezra turned around to look at his master and made continued "before you head out, go to the Holocron vault and get yourself a Holocron" "but master, only council members are allowed in the vault" Obiwan chuckled at him as he added "that's because you are apart of the council Ezra, we had decided that you will be offered a position within our ranks" made added to obiwans words "and you are being promoted to the rank of Jedi master, good job Ezra, even if you refuse to join the council, your rank will still be Jedi master" Ezra was staring at mace and Obiwan, pride starts filling him, knowing he could bring change to the order and possibly bring an end to this drawn out war, Ezra smiled as he nodded at the council and he said "I accept your offer masters, I'll do my best to make you all proud" master plo smiled behind his alien mask and he said "I know you won't disappoint us master Shan, and when you return from Leviathan, you will need to pick a padowan to train" Ezra nodded as he left the council chambers, tho Ezra was gonna say something to them but he can't remember what, anyway, as Ezra is walking through the hallways of the Jedi temple, on his way to the Holocron vault, he turned his head to the side, seeing Anakin pass infront of him with an angry facial expression, something that's common in master Skywalker, but what's strange was that, Anakin should be happy, his wife, Padme, is having his child....again, from what he heard from Padme was that she's going to be called Sarah, she's currently around 7 months pregs so yeah, Ezra didn't want to speak to his master when he's in this state so he kept his attention on getting a Holocron from the vault.

-time skip, Jedi temple hanger-

Ezra and commander fives had just walked into the hanger of the Jedi temple, several months ago it'd had been bombed, Barris Offie was the mastermind behind it but she placed the blame on Ahsoka, but (with Ahsoka branded as a criminal for the time being) she was able to uncover Barris's hatred for the order, so Ezra and Anakin was able to beat her into submission, anyway, they are heading towards ezras prize gunship, Republic Dragon, they had been redeployed to ten snow planet of leviathan, Ezra didn't want to leave considering that Ezra is going to propose to Leia for marriage but considering his orders, he's going to do it when he gets back, so as Ezra and Ezra is getting in the gunship, ezra saw Leia running towards him, ezra kept an emotionless face, the same face he wears when ever he goes on a suicidal mission, which was nearly all his missions, but Ezra can't shake this overwhelming feeling of dread and hatred, but Ezra stuffed his feelings as his gunship closes and flies out of the hanger, Leia stops running as she sees ezras gunship leave, she wanted him to stay so they can warn the council but he's being redeployed, Leia turned to her brother who is just walking up to her, Leia then said "we have to warn the council" "no point sis, they won't listen to us, and might I add, we both may be Knights but we have no influence within the order, we have to wait for Ezra to come back" "yeah...."

-time skip to leviathan--which is like...a month?-

In the snowstorm of leviathans Ezra and his gunships full of tanks, clones as well as y-wings and clone fighters flying with them, there objective is to secure the main Bridge that leads to the separatists that controls the western part of the planet, as gunships starts to land as well as setting tanks down, Ezra turned his head to the right, seeing commander fox with him, he's replaced fives due to fives staying at the temple, the dragon had landed and the doors opened, Ezra had ignited both his lightsaber and he entered into the heavy fire, the clones entered the battle behind there general,

-time skip-

It's been several hours, the battle of leviathan bridge is coming to a close, Ezra is at the front of his clones, as the republic is slowly advancing towards the other end of the bridge fox stops his advancement as his Holocomunicater, fox grabs it and a cloaked figure appeared, it's chancellor Sidious, he spoke to commander fox in a husked voice that's filled with hatred "Commander Fox....Execute...order...66" fox stared at the dark lord and he replied to him " lord" the transmission of the holocall ended, fox then placed his communicater on his belt, as the republic is slowly advancing towards the end the clones stopped, Ezra also stopped and he turned around, Ezra watched his clones, curious until they all pointed there guns at Ezra, Ezra was shocked but he didn't have time to properly get into his form V when they unleashed a volley of blaster bolts, Ezra blocked a very few of them as four to five blaster bolts hits his chest, Ezra drops both his lightsabers as the clones stopped there volley, Ezra then slowly and groggily walked over to the crumbling fence for only the fence to break, without the support of the fence, Ezra starts falling into the open and cold air of leviathan, Ezra then remember Sidious's betrayal of the republic "I'm....sorry....Leia..." 

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